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HomeEntertainment NewsWith Michel Barnier, the break in continuity at Matignon

With Michel Barnier, the break in continuity at Matignon

Michel Barnier is a man of the right. Certainly, after half a century of political involvement for the man who, as a teenager, put up General De Gaulle’s campaign posters. The new Prime Minister assumes his political colour. But the leader of the Republicans (LR), who said he was in favour, in 2021, of a “immigration moratorium”toward “retirement at 65”already “inferior phrases”, wants to make room for the left in his government.

During an interview with TF1’s news programme “20 Heures” on Friday 6 September, the former European Commissioner, who came from, recalls, “Social Gaullism”ensures that “everything is open”. it will not be “only from a right-wing government”promises.

His team will include members of the presidential camp with “maybe, maybe”The ministers have now resigned. Former LR members such as Gérald Darmanin (interior), Sébastien Lecornu (armies) or Aurore Bergé (gender equality) say they are ready to join him. But Michel Barnier also hopes to attract “left-wing people”. Which ones? Mystery.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The demonstration of the ambitions of these ministers who would like to remain in the future government

Apart from the former 2007 presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal, whose entourage claims Worldthat a common construction between the right, the center and part of the left, open and attentive, would be a good idea”Candidates are rare. According to the first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure, no Socialist will appear in the photo of a next government promised in the wake of a vote of no confidence presented by the New Popular Front (NFP). “I have never been sectarian”Savoy is proud.

“Our country needs strong unions”

At 73 years old, who says he doesn’t have ” Career Objective “ breaks taboos to seduce the opposition, saying that it is willing to “open a debate” on the pension reform that will leave millions of French people homeless in 2023. “Our country needs strong unions” He continues, to better show his difference in style from Emmanuel Macron, the Jupiterian president who shows little concern for intermediary bodies. “All citizens are necessary”He insists, contrasting with the unfortunate statements of the Head of State in 2017 on “people who are nothing”.

Read also the column | Article reserved for our subscribers. “Does Michel Barnier’s appointment at Matignon mean the continuation of Macronism or its end?”

Six years after the abolition of the FSI, the septuagenarian also vows not to stop acting for “more tax justice”Although he avoids going into details and defends “order and morality” in front of the “Bankers who think they can do anything”. A look to the left, another to the right, Michel Barnier promises to address the issue of migration and borders that have become, in his eyes, “strainers”, while studying the issue of proportional representation, a requirement of the National Assembly (RN). “I have no red lines”resume.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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