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HomeMajor anti-Semitic scandal in Italy due to communists: what happened

Major anti-Semitic scandal in Italy due to communists: what happened

The list includes politicians, journalists, intellectuals and businessmen. The publications called them “Zionist agents in the country” who, according to the communists, should be fought and condemned for their alleged support and cooperation with Israel.

The list of “Zionist organisations and agents in Italy” includes more than 150 names of famous people and companies. It mentions Israeli real estate, investment companies and military and technology companies such as Elbit.

Among the “Zionists from political parties or representatives of public organizations that actively support the Zionist State of Israel,” the communists identified former journalist and politician Esther Mieli, former Italian ambassador to Israel Luigi Mattiolo and former president of the Jewish Community of Rome Riccardo Pacifici.

The “Zionists in the media and cultural spheres who support or promote the Zionist state in Italy” include well-known public figures and journalists. They include Maurizio Molinari, who has been attacked in recent months for his Jewish identity and his support for Israel, and Emanuela Dviri, an Italian-Israeli journalist and mother of Yoni Dviri, a soldier killed in Lebanon. This tragic event prompted her to join the Four Mothers movement. The list also includes the president of the Jewish community of Italy, Noemi Di Segni, the chief rabbi of the Jewish community of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, and several other rabbis and journalists.

The communists explained the list as a response to an alleged “smear campaign” by chef Rubio, known for his strident anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli statements since October 7. Rubio, whose real name is Gabriele Rubini, supports Palestinian Arabs and often criticizes Israel. He was recently ordered by an Italian court to remove inflammatory posts against Jews and Israel from social media and imposed a large fine for each post that was not removed.

The publication of the “Jewish list” provoked almost unanimous condemnation among Italian politicians and local media.

Rome’s Jewish community also strongly condemned the list, saying it was “another alarming sign of the resurgence of anti-Semitism, which is becoming increasingly visible and threatening.”

Cursor previously reported that the famous fashion designer, who loves Hitler, was nominated for a prestigious award.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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