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DANA says goodbye, but the rains…

THE DANA that has hit much of the north these daysit seems like she is saying goodbye, but with her the rains will not disappear according to Roberto Brasero. This weekend in September has arrived where we must be aware of the skies that bring us important news. It is time to face these challenges that will end up becoming an important novelty in every sense of the word. That day will have come when we will have the perfect sofa and blanket plan.

After a record summer, the cold and rain are settling in such a way that perhaps until now we had not had to realize these changes that are coming at great speed. Perhaps until now you did not have in mind a situation that Roberto Brasero is in charge of clarifying. These changes over time have ended up making us aware of a forecast that may be exceptional. The rains will end up being what will accompany us in a few days where we will have to wait for a radical change in weather that can be highlighted in all ways.

DANA says goodbye but not the rains

This Friday we had an episode of DANA which caused torrential rains in much of the country, we have been faced with a series of changes that have ended up marking the beginning of a situation that could be significant. Without a doubt, that moment will have arrived where we expect a sky that can be significant.

These are days of change where we must look to the sky and wait for a situation that can be highlighted. It is time to become aware of a series of elements that could be decisive in a few days of September and that will be the prelude to something else in these days that Roberto Brasero clarifies for us.

We want it to rain, but not on the weekend, those moments when we have to start thinking about everything that is happening and happening at high speed. So that moment will have arrived when we will have to think about what is going to happen, in a few days when everything will change.

Therefore, we have before us a series of changes that are fundamental and that could end up being those that accompany us in these days of September, following this forecast.

Roberto Brasero gives us a break

Roberto Brasero has a lot to offer us and that means that we will have to be aware of a series of changes that will arrive at high speed in the next few hours. The arrival of heavy rains will gradually disappear, but we will have to be aware of a threat of rain that could be closer than we imagine.

This expert warns us that: “All this precipitation will decrease on Saturday as the cold air aloft retreats and the storm will start to lose strength very early. However, a warm and humid subtropical air mass will come in from the south and will probably leave some showers and as some mist or suspended dust could also arrive, it could be accompanied by mud. It’s not much that should fall in principle, but watch out for this cloud band coming in from North Africa and could leave some showers or downpours on Saturday morning. afternoon in Cadiz, Malaga, Granada or in the mountains of the southeastand Sunday again in the Balearic Islands and on the Catalan coast. In the rest of Spain, more sun than clouds and rising temperatures. It will be cool inland in the first hour of Saturday and a little less for those who have to get up early on Sunday and in the afternoon we will reach 30º in the central area, up to 35º in Murcia and 22º at most in the Cantabrian region. capitals.

This expert warns us that: “And looking at the medium-term forecast, we see next week very similar, with rain and cool weather in the north and warm temperatures in the south. But it seems that they will be warmer again from September 15 since positive anomalies are observed in the forecasts, that is, temperatures higher than those corresponding to the date of the second half of September. There is still summer and then the veranillos will arrive, which this year even seem to overlap the end of the season. Come on, after this troubled weather of the last few days it seems that we are going to have the end of a hot summer linked to a summer that will not be long in arriving. “The heat has not said its last word.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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