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The Authority hopes that hotel overnight stays will continue during the second high season in Cordoba

THE Department of Tourism provides in its Latest report on the tourism situation that the second high season from Cordoba ends with a slight interannual increase in overnight staysdue exclusively to the expected increase in September.

With the indicators of the province – the capital is its tourist engine and experiences its second strong period of activity during the ninth and tenth months of each year -, the estimates of the Regional Administration are that the hotels, hostels and guesthouses -the analysis only corresponds to this type of accommodation- total September and October 368,000 overnight stays. This figure, if it materialized, will be 0.6% above of the one registered in same period of 2023with the arrival of tourists on our improving lands. There would be, in round figures, 2,200 additional rooms.

He increase should be exclusively to the good behavior of September. For this month, Tourism expects 174,000 overnight stays to be recorded. This figure would exceed 1.4% to that recorded a year earlier, with around 2,600 more.

On the contrary, in OctoberThe forecast of this department is that almost freezing nights of accommodation in hotels. Their estimates are that 194,000 will be reached, while this month of 2023 will end with 194,437. In other words, there would be a slight decrease, 0.2%.

Of course, there is one problem that needs to be taken into account. When the data for the tenth month of 2024 are known, they will need to be cross-referenced with a very powerful indicator 2023. Last year’s was second best month of October historical series proposed by the INE. Only that of 2017 (200,125) exceeded it.

August forecast

With these figures, Cordoba would also remain very close to the records of the pre-Covid scenariowhen the arrival of tourists seemed to have no ceiling. The 368,000 stays expected in hotels, hostels and guesthouses in the province during the second high season would be a 0.9% below those recorded inside same two-month period as five years ago (371,278). In concrete figures, they would be rounded to 3,300 less.

Here, the tables are reversed. September estimateif it is materialized, what is it? It doesn’t stand up to comparison with 2019. It would be 3.2% lower, or around 5,800 fewer overnight stays. On the contrary, October would get a positive balance compared to the pre-pandemic period: +1.3%, after taking into account 2,545 fewer overnight stays.

The Council offers in this latest reportIn addition, their estimates of How August went of 2024 – its results are still influenced by the severe temperatures in these regions. Tourism hopes to have reached last month 164,000 overnight stays compared to nearly 150,000 recorded a year ago. In other words, there would have been a significant increase9.5%.

Now, in the Comparison with what happened before the outbreak of Covidthere is no color if the estimates are met. August 2024 would have been more than 19,000 short stays of the figure reached the same month of 2019. Tourism is forecasting a 10.6% drop. Of course, it must be taken into account that 2019 was the best August so far in terms of hotel overnight stays: 183,396.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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