Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 8:24 am
HomeLatest NewsThey are demanding that an investigation be conducted into the causes of...

They are demanding that an investigation be conducted into the causes of the serious injuries sustained by an inmate at the ‘San José’ Assisted Living Facility.

The PSOE assures that the family of the injured woman has already filed a complaint at the Toledo police station.

Entrance to the Assisted Residence “San José” in Toledo, dependent on the Provincial Council of Toledo


Updated at 09:49.

The Socialist Group of the Provincial Council of Toledo has asked the Government of the Popular Party with Vox to immediately convene the Social Protection Commission to clarify why a user of the Assisted Social Residence (RSA) of San José, dependent on the provincial administration, suffers second degree burns to his legsThe PSOE claims that from the health center they do not clarify what happened, which led the victim’s family to file a complaint. a complaint to the National Police.

The PSOE spokesperson in the Provincial Council, Tita Garcia Elezsaid that his party urged the Provincial Council government to “immediately” convene the Social Protection Commission so that the second vice-president, deputy of Vox and responsible for the area, Daniel Arias explains the reasons which led to an RSA user developing serious skin lesions.

A fact that is “surprising” and “intolerable” for the Socialist Party and for which it seeks “explanations” to understand what happened and “define responsibilities, if applicable.” García Élez also expressed his team’s concern for the health of the users, showing them his support and assuring that they will not stop working until “the facts are clarified” and they are sure that an episode like this “will not happen again”“.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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