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HomeLatest News"Time Travel" in Segovia to Crown Isabel la Católica

“Time Travel” in Segovia to Crown Isabel la Católica

The dramatization of the proclamation of Isabel la Católica as Queen of Castile – with the actress María Castro in the role – and a subsequent meeting with her at the Alcazar of Segovia will focus the events of the 550th anniversary of her coronation. Both events are part of a program that will host different activities aimed at all audiences during the weekend of October 4 to 6 “that will try to explain the context and life of Segovia, a city of great weight that was facing its exit from the Middle Ages in those years”, according to the mayor of the city, José Mazarias.

In this way, a series of outdoor activities are planned, such as gastronomic experiences, workshops, conferences and samples of works that allowed to feed themselves at this time of history. The exhibition will also remain open ‘I, the queen’ present in the City Hall, which “is an example of the interest that the figure of Queen Isabella arouses among citizens.”

However, Mazarias highlighted the central act “that involves the direct involvement of the people of Segovia and in which we want everyone to have the opportunity to participate as extras who have become our predecessors.” The mayor also asked that the city’s companies contribute to creating the environments “in which we want to immerse ourselves to take a trip back in time.”

During this first weekend of October all kinds of events will be concentrated, which represents “a unique opportunity for those who visit us to enjoy a a program that will take us back in time“, as indicated by the Tourism Councilor, May Escobar. The councilor explained that to develop this commemoration, it was necessary to carry out an “exhaustive and rigorous” work at the historical and adaptive level of the city, in which the Segovian artist Guillermo Verdugo had “a lot to do” by capturing in the poster announcing the event everything it contained, reports Ical.

Throughout the weekend, the street will be full of activities for all audiences. The Plaza de San Martín, the Plaza Mayor and the Paseo del Salón will be the spaces where you can enjoy the merchants’ square, sales stands and medieval craft workshops.

On Friday, October 4, the video mapping and theatrical performance about Isabel the Catholic will take place at 8:00 p.m. on the façade of the Alcázar. An hour later, in the Plaza Mayor, there will be a tasting of a Castilian tapa for two euros that includes a terracotta plate “designed for the occasion.”

The main events will take place on Saturday, including the start of the royal entourage from the Alcázar to the Plaza Mayor until reaching the pavement of the Cathedral. There, what was the proclamation of the queen will be dramatized with the actress María Castro as the protagonist and, afterwards, a dinner will take place as a meeting with the queen at the Alcazar that “will be enlivened by different shows and will include the participation of different actors.

Intended for Caritas

The spectacle of the announcement on the pavement of Cathedral It will cost 20 euros and the meeting at the Alcazar will cost 50 euros per person. In addition to being able to enjoy the private video mapping pass, it includes some details given at the entrance and at the dinner. The latter will be charitable and the proceeds will go to Cáritas. Tickets to participate in both events will be available from next Tuesday, September 10.

For its part, the Plaza de los Mercaderes will be present all weekend and on Sunday, October 6, at 1:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., the theatrical walk will be projected with scenes from the Synodal of Aguilafuente that will depart from Azoguejo. In this same space, different medieval shows. For the little ones, a show will take place under the title “Segovia, crown of Isabel” in the Garden of Poets. The temple of the Plaza Mayor will also be transformed into a theater space and, inside, a “large mural” will be present, according to Escobar.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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