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“He only gives gifts to the rich”

He PSOE Federal Committee begins in Ferraz with internal criticism of the financing of Catalonia as a backdrop. The socialists are meeting for the next ordinary congress of the formation, where changes may occur in the regional leaderships, but the presence of the federations critical of the tax plan of Pedro Sanchez for Catalonia, led by Emiliano Garcia-Page, Javier Lamban, and those of Asturias and Extremadura, indicate a much more tense Committee than usual. The new Minister of Administration of Digital Transformation and Public Service has also been invested, Oscar Lopez who chose to attack the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso.

López, when asked about this tax plan that is beneficial for Catalonia and that harms the financing of the rest of the autonomous communities, stressed upon his arrival in Ferraz that “There is no greater guarantee of solidarity between citizens “There cannot be a socialist government in Spain and Catalonia. There is a government that has given 300 billion to all the communities and then Ayuso gives gifts to the rich and private health care.”

For his part, the new president of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, assured this Saturday that he would go to the Federal Committee of the PSOE to support the secretary general, Pedro Sánchez, for his policy of “economic successsocially and also at the territorial level. Upon his arrival at the Federal Committee, the first secretary of the CPS stressed his “explicit, clear and net” support for the leadership of Sánchez.

“We will defend this in this Federal Committee as well as in the PSOE Congress itself,” Illa concluded.

The Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, also spoke, stressing upon his arrival in Ferraz that the PP “is asking the government for 18 billion but is taking away taxes from the wealthy.” As for whether there would be an “internal response” within the Commission, behind closed doors, in reference to the criticism of the barons on the financing plan for Catalonia, Torres assured that there would be a “debate.”

The president of the Congress, Francina Armengol, was also present this Saturday in Ferraz. Upon her arrival, she told the media present, including OKDIARIO, that she believes that “the PSOE’s strategy with Catalonia is completely correct. We have lived through a very complicated situation, with a political conflict that lasted for many years, now we have returned to politics with Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat. From here, we must continue building taking into account this singularity. We have restored peace and social cohesion. From the point of view of the Balearic Islands, this is a great opportunity.

The main objective of the PSOE Federal Committee this Saturday is to officially convene the next Federal Congress of the party, scheduled for the end of November, which will open the door to possible changes in the territorial leadership. In addition, this meeting will be

PSOE Federal Committee

Sánchez summoned the members of the Federal Committee to Ferraz at 10:30 a.m., with the aim of approving the celebration of the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOE on the weekend of November 30, in which his re-election as Secretary General will take place. certified and possible adjustments in the regional leadership will be evaluated. The President of the Government will make a first statement in public session, while the rest of the meeting will take place behind closed doors.

The sectors of the PSOE most critical of the agreement between the PSC and the ERC for special financing in Catalonia have assured that they will raise their voices to show their rejection of the bilateral treatment granted to the Catalan community, especially the possibility that the Catalan Treasury manages one hundred percent of taxes.

Among the most critical are Emiliano García-Page, president of Castilla-La Mancha; Javier Lambán, leader of the Aragonese socialists; Miguel Ángel Gallardo, secretary general of the PSOE of Extremadura; and a representative of the Asturian Socialist Federation, since the president of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, will not be present due to the coincidence with the Region’s Day.

Critical Barons

Emiliano García-Page, one of the most vocal socialist leaders in his criticism of Catalonia’s departure from the common financing regime, confirmed that he would intervene in the Commission to address Sánchez and Salvador Illa, thus reiterating his position 38 days after making an institutional statement in which he raised his voice against concessions to the independentists. However, the exact content of his intervention has not been specified.

Javier Lambán, another of the most critical barons, will also speak, although the details of his speech are also not known. Lambán recently led a regional executive in which an explicit rejection of the Catalan quota was approved and an initiative against this special financing was presented to the Cortes.

For his part, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, general secretary of the PSOE of Extremadura, will defend the territorial model included in the Declaration of Granada of 2013, which rejects the privileges of the autonomous communities. Gallardo had requested a few weeks ago a summit of socialist leaders to discuss this issue, although the leadership of the PSOE has not yet responded to this request.

Finally, although Adrián Barbón will not be present due to the events of the Asturias Day, the Socialist Federation of the Principality will have a representative who will express its position in the Commission, which also rejects the bilateral agreement with Catalonia.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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