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On climate and environmental issues, commitments promise to be difficult for the future government

During the summer, in the wake of the parliamentary elections, some researchers and environmental activists tried to make some music heard. On July 11, the philosopher Pierre Charbonnier published in the journal The great continenta long text, entitled “There is a green majority.” “Whatever room for manoeuvre the government may have in the coming months, when it comes to climate policies, a government balance can be found”Could we read from the pen of the essayist, author of Towards the ecology of war: An environmental history of peace (La Découverte, 324 pages, 23 euros). On July 18, Le Lierre, a network of officials committed to the climate transition, wrote a long note calling for “consultation and [à] co-construction of policies » The name of Laurence Tubiana, the embodiment of the commitment of the Paris agreement, adopted in 2015, during COP21, is then mentioned, to take up the post of Prime Minister. Could the climate, a global issue par excellence, serve as a programmatic platform for a future coalition?

The Tubian hypothesis lasted only a few hours and the slim hope of a “green” alliance was quickly drowned in the battle of names over Matignon. “On ecology, the discussions during the summer and the public debate were very weak.says Wandrille Jumeaux, co-founder of Lierre. the policies They may not be able to reach an agreement, but they are not even trying… I include the left, which has not thought of a government platform around this issue.

On Thursday 5 September, during the transfer of power, the new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, certainly spoke of the “ecological debt” that weighs” “It already weighs on the shoulders of our children”. But on Friday, during his first interview on TF1, he did not specify anything about this file, while Matignon is responsible for the “ecological planning”. Former Environment Minister between 1993 and 1995, will Mr Barnier have the will to relaunch the transition that has been stalled for several months due to the agricultural crisis, the state of public finances and a lack of political will? If he wants to make it a milestone, the former Brexit negotiator, with a majority still to be built, will have to find compromises between a technophile centre-right and a left more attached to behavioural changes and an increase in budgets.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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