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HomeLatest NewsThe Andalusian University curriculum launches fifteen degrees and 171 places in medicine

The Andalusian University curriculum launches fifteen degrees and 171 places in medicine

The Andalusian Public University will begin next Monday, September 9, the courses of the academic year 2024/2025. A course with important new features, such as opening of the new Faculty of Medicine on the Huelva campus, with its first 65 students; an academic offer approved by the Junta de Andalucía with fifteen new additional bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees; and 171 new places in the first year of the medical schools. At the political level, the Council hopes to approve this year the University Law of Andalusia (LUPA) and the Law for the Progress of Science, Technology and Innovation of Andalusia (Activa).

THE The universities where courses will start earlier are Seville (USA), Jaén (UJA) and Almería (UAL). It will be followed by Malaga (UMA), on September 10; Huelva, 11; Granada (UGR), Pablo de Olavide (UPO) and Cordoba (UCO), on the 16th; and Cadiz will be the one that closes the calendar of the start of the school year on September 23, according to the data provided by the universities to Europa Press.

Regarding the places still available in universities, the data provided to Europa Press confirms for example that In Granada, the occupancy rate is 90%; in Pablo d’Olavide, There are still places available in the Bachelor of Humanities and in the Bachelor of Translation and Interpretation in German; 476 are available in Huelva “in the absence of the second prize”; and at the UMA they have around fifty places in classical philology, history, history of art and geography and territorial management.

In the case of Almeria, all the degrees offered in the ordinary and extraordinary phase are “complete”, except for those offered in the extraordinary phase, where there are “some places” in Hispanic philology, history and human sciences, human and environmental sciencesThese diplomas can be requested in the Andalusian Single District (DUA) in a new phase from October 3 to 7.

Regarding the novelties of the course, regarding the offer of Medicine, the course begins with a new faculty, that of Huelva with the first 65 students who begin their training on the Huelva campus. A bet with which the Junta de Andalucía completes the medical offer in all provinces. Regarding Medicine and the offer of places, the Andalusian public universities have for this academic year 2024/2025 171 additional places for new registrants (first year) in the Degree in Medicine, for which they have received almost 2.6 million (2,565 specifically) from the central government through the Ministry of Health.

By province, The University of Almeria has nine additional places in first-year medicine, with a financial allocation of 135,000 euros; Cadiz, 21 seats and 315,000 euros; Córdoba, 20 places and 300,000 euros; Granada, 38 seats and 570,000 euros; Jaén, nine seats and 135,000 euros; Malaga, 26 places and 390,000 euros; and Seville, 48 and 720,000 euros, the latter being the one that receives the most funding. In the second year, 152 places are financed for a total amount of 2.28 million euros. In total, the autonomous community will receive this course for this increase in places in the first and second –323– of the Degree in Medicine, a total of 4.845 million.

In terms of titles, the Junta de Andalucía, through the Department of University, Research and Innovation directed by José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, has authorized fifteen new bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. The only new degree implemented in this course is precisely that of medicine in Huelva, while the ten ratified masters are taught in seven universities, specifically in Almeria (UAL), Cadiz (UCA), Cordoba (UCO), Granada (UGR), Huelva (UHU), Seville (US) and Loyola Andalucia.

In Almeria, students can enroll in Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish Language and Literature for Spanish Teachers as a foreign language, while at the University of Cadiz language sciences and their applications are taught and at the University of Cordoba, Research and innovation in physical education. For its part, the University of Granada includes in its offer the Master in Data Science Applied to Social Sciences in collaboration with the University of Salamanca, and a second master focused on Cybersecurity and International Cyberintelligence, which will be developed in collaboration with the University of Minho (Portugal), Universitá degli Studi de Padova (Italy) and Vilniaus Unversitetas-Vilnius University (Lithuania).

Furthermore, The University of Huelva offers two interuniversity masters, one of which is in radiological protection of the environment. with the University of Barcelona, ​​the University of Cantabria, the University of Extremadura, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the University of Valencia and the University of the Balearic Islands, which coordinates it; and another in cultural specialization: research and advanced professional practice with the universities of Almería and Córdoba. On the other hand, the Loyola Andalusia University offers places in a master’s degree in neurorehabilitation and another in psychopedagogy.

Furthermore, the University of Seville (USA) coordinates a master’s degree in Health Chemistry that will be carried out in collaboration with the universities of Cordoba and Huelvaas well as the University of Extremadura. In the field of doctoral programs, the University of Cadiz is launching a program in Accounting, while the University of Malaga will teach studies in Educational Technology in collaboration with the International University of Andalusia (UNIA). The UMA also offers a doctorate in Equality and Gender. Finally, the University of Córdoba includes another in Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology.

Deep reform at the university

Finally, in the political sphere, the Minister of University, Research and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, stressed that Andalusia will complete this course. the “deep reform” of the university system that his department is undertaking, At the same time, he hoped that the measures in the field of R&D&I and entrepreneurship would help to “strengthen” the community as a pole of innovation in the national and European context.

In the academic field, Gómez Villamandos showed that, since the beginning of the legislature, work has been carried out “a dialogue and a vocation of understanding” with the entire university community and social councils to approve and implement a new “fairer and more balanced” financing model for the public system, which in 2024 “will reach the record figure of 1,685 million, 23% more than in 2018.”

This amount will also be seen “increased” to 1.777 million by the addition of “another series of additional posts”. Likewise, “in just two years”, the department has undertaken another major “significant” policy, in reference to the new academic programming that will begin to be taught from the 2025/2026 academic year. For public universities, as reported, 188 degrees were approved, representing 75% of the total of 252 supported for the entire system, while 64 courses were approved for private universities.

In addition to these “reformist” measures, the “consolidation” of working conditions and salaries of teaching and research staff and management and administrative staff, which will benefit 30,000 professionals. “This is a historic agreement with the rectors and unions that covers a multi-year amount of 100 million and that allows the launch of the new model of regional supplements for Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and to have a performance evaluation system to develop the horizontal career of Technical Management and Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS)”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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