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HomeLatest NewsAnother farmer from Extremadura, identified among Franco's reprisals in Orduña prison

Another farmer from Extremadura, identified among Franco’s reprisals in Orduña prison

The Gogora Institute of Memory, Coexistence and Human Rights has identified the remains of Ramón Torres Donoso, a farmer from Santa Amalia (Badajoz) affiliated with the UGT, who died in the prison of Orduña (Bizkaia) in 1941 due to the Francoist prison system.

With the identification of their remains, there are now 11 victims – ten of them from Badajoz – whose identities are known, among the 71 whose remains were found during different excavations carried out in the cemetery of Orduña.

Torres Donoso was transferred to Orduña prison from the Castuera concentration camp in Badajoz. The father of five had been sentenced by the War Council to 16 years in prison for the crime of rebellion and, once in Orduña, he died on March 15, 1941, at the age of 38, a victim of Franco’s prison system. according to Gogora.

Torres Donoso’s family will receive the remains of their loved one and bury them in the columbarium of Orduña, in an act that, according to their wishes, will be private.

Ramón Torres Donoso is the 11th victim identified to date of the 71 found in the Orduña cemetery during excavations carried out in 2014 and 2022 by the company Aranzadi Sciences. To identify the other 60, Gogora maintains contact with as many families of victims of the Orduña concentration camp, later converted into a prison.

According to existing documentation, of the 225 dead in the Orduña camp and prison, 102 had been transferred from the Castuera concentration camp in Badajoz.

Identified in Orduña

So far, the victims of Franco’s repression identified in Orduña are Fructuoso Llorens Tolosano, originally from Fuente de Maestre; Manuel and Salvador Del Amo Jiménez, brothers, originally from Villagonzalo; Alejandro Gómez Hidalgo, originally from Carpio de Tajo (Toledo); Alfonso Tena Prieto by Don Álvaro; Domingo Galindo González, originally from La Morera; Inocencio Gallardo Rebolledo, from Magacela; Bernardo Rodríguez Rincón, originally from Campanario; Francisco de la Cruz Orellana, from Quintana de la Serena; José María Hidalgo Balsera, also from Quintana de la Serena; and Ramón Torres Donoso, of Santa Amalia.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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