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Therapist accused of stabbing friend to death at his home in El Ejido faces 13 years in prison

The Provincial Court of Almeria is hosting this week the jury trial against DLF for which Prosecutors seek 13-year prison sentence for three-time stabbing murder of friendwho would also have been his therapist, after going to his house in El Ejido (Almería), where he usually bought narcotic substances.

The trial will begin on September 12 and will include up to five sessions during which the members of the popular jury, who must determine the guilt or innocence of the accused, will be informed. He is charged with one count of homicide and another count of theft, since he also stole the victim’s mobile phone, according to the provisional document from the prosecution, consulted by Europa Press.

The accused has been in pre-trial detention since November 17, 2022, although the crime took place four months earlier, in the middle of summer. The location of the stolen cell phone, as well as a cigarette butt with the accused’s DNA and the remains of skin under one of the victim’s fingernails were essential for investigators who later arrested him.

Thus, the prosecution maintains, on the basis of the investigation, that during the night of July 12 to 13, 2022The accused went to the victim’s home, where he had previously gone on other occasions to buy drugs.

Once inside, both of them allegedly went to the kitchen, where an argument broke out during which the accused, intending to end his friend’s life, stabbed him three times with a kitchen knife.

More specifically, according to the forensic analysis, The victim received two stab wounds in a vital area of ​​the body, particularly in the chest, and a third in the hole of the right ear, where the knife was stuck.

The alleged stabber reportedly left the building after killing the victim, who was left “lying on the ground in a large pool of blood.”

Before leaving, The accused allegedly took the victim’s mobile phone “with the intention of enriching himself”since it was supposedly intended for sale, as well as the keys to the victim’s home. When they arrived, two days after the incident, the officers found the house “disturbed” and “the drawers open.”

The accused was identified as a friend and therapist of the victim, so that from his first statements to the authorities, he would have ended up acknowledging that there was a “fight” at the deceased’s home, with the victim suspecting that the man might have entered his home to steal.

In this sense, the arrested person had cuts on his hands which, as an indication, would be compatible with the aforementioned “fight” with the victim, and which the detainee justified by saying that he had “recently worked on a farm.”

Investigators who worked at the crime scene also confirmed that The deceased’s wallet and cell phone were missing, which allowed a trace to be established on the terminal, which was used with another SIM card the day after the man’s death.

This fact allowed us to find the person who was in possession of the phone, a “drug addict” who explained that the mobile phone had been given to him by the main suspect, with whom he also exchanged calls and messages from the first minutes of switching on the device. Both would have a relationship of exchanging objects in exchange for narcotics, according to the work of the police.

In this sense, the agents investigated the person who provided the mobile phone to the third party. Thus, they even discovered that in the hours preceding the events, before the night of July 12 to 13, both had had several telephone conversations.

Debts and drug trafficking

The main investigation revealed that the inmate and the victim maintained drug trafficking problemsin that the person being investigated may have outstanding financial debts to the stabbed person based on these alleged transactions.

The prisoner also has a criminal record for the robbery committed at the home of a friend, from whom he stole almost 8,000 euros in May of the same year. The alleged murderer was arrested after the July crime while attempting to commit another robbery at the home of a second acquaintance, which made the agents suspect that, on the day of the events, would have tried to act according to the same “modus operandi”.

During his testimony before the officers, according to the police version, the arrested person fell into “contradictory” versions on the place where he was on the day of the events, which he established in Salobreña (Granada).

This aspect He also came up against the location provided by his mobile phone on the day of the incident.very close to the victim’s home, according to investigations from Operation ‘Tajo’.

These indications were then added to the analysis carried out by the Scientific Police agents, who found DNA under one of the victim’s nails. “compatible” with that of a cigarette butt which the arrested person had disposed of.

With the advancement of research, Officers confirmed that the victim’s alleged friend and therapistwho “was in a complicated economic situation”, was allegedly linked to other robberies or attempted robberies at the homes of people linked, to a greater or lesser extent, to petty drug trafficking.

Possible poisoning

Among the issues that the jury must decide based on the evidence and testimony presented in the courtroom is the possibility that the accused has their psychic faculties abolished as a result of the continued consumption of toxic substances in large quantities.

Similarly, among the possible mitigating factors to be taken into account, they must determine whether DLF whether or not you consumed toxic substances during the day before the events and throughout the night.

Similarly, and based on the defense’s considerations, the jury will have to determine whether the accused was subjected to a “violent struggle” with the victim while he also allegedly tried to stab her with the knifeAccording to him, it was the accused who took the weapon from him and used it to “save his life.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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