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The Provincial Council of Castellón shows its social commitment with 475,500 euros in aid to nine entities

THE Deputation The Provincial Council of Castellón has demonstrated its social commitment and has approved nine agreements collaboration with entities linked to the social protection in the province to “strengthen overall development, autonomy, equality of opportunity and inclusion fullness of people in society.

This was expressed by the president of the provincial institution, Marta Barrachinawhich announced the approval of the nine collaboration agreements with the associations of the Red Cross, Apesocas, the Food Bank, Cáritas, the Punjab Foundation, the Gypsy Association, Avancem, Alcer Castalia and Apnac.

In total, they are 475,500 euros with which the Provincial Council supports the work of these associations throughout the province. “It is indisputable work social and humanitarian carried out by these associations and by the Provincial Council of Castellón, we will always be alongside the quiet and dedicated work of those who dedicate their time and work in favor of others and achieve, together, a supportive, inclusive and united society,” said the provincial leader. expressed.

In this sense, the president insisted that “in the provincial institution we prioritize people in our policies, thus ensuring real and equitable progress in society.” “We have a commitment to the people of Castellón that is reflected in these agreements, which aim to improve the quality of life and strengthen the well-being of citizens,” said Barrachina.

Thus, on the one hand, the collaboration agreement was signed with the Gypsy Association endowed with 11,000 euros to finance the socio-educational intervention program for the gypsies of Castellón. Currently, there is a big problem in the area of ​​absenteeism and school failure which, as explained by the assistant social protection, Marisa Torla“It is necessary to work on the prevention of this school absenteeism, early school leaving and premature school dropout, focusing mainly on families as the first reference context.”

Likewise, with the Foundation of PunjabThe institution signed an agreement worth 30,000 euros to carry out a project of integration initiatives through the multimedia program Romalife, a unique digital magazine in Spain and of gypsy culture.

Likewise, the Provincial Administration contributed 190,000 euros so that Caritas The Diocesan Society of Segorbe-Castellón can develop its project of care and support for homeless people, with the aim of “that each person can live in a dignified, safe, peaceful and permanent home”, indicated Torlà, who stressed the importance of an agreement that “results in the most vulnerable people and families in Castellón”.

Likewise, the economic collaboration between the Provincial Council of Castellón and the Bank of Food For the information activity of collaborating entities, social assistance to people in vulnerable situations and promotion and dissemination in educational centers of the values ​​of rational consumption of food, it has a support of 60,000 euros. The president of the institution praised the “tireless work” of the Food Bank and assured that “it has become a crucial pillar for many families.”

Just as it is also the case Red Crossan entity that “stands out for its work, its management and for reaching those who need it most,” stressed the Social Protection MP. The Red Cross carries out important social work in the province, which is why the institution has maintained the collaboration agreement for an amount of 100,000 euros to carry out the project “Social Network for the Elderly: Enrédate”.

Likewise, the Provincial Council of Castellón has renewed the collaboration agreement with ApesocasThe administration has allocated 34,500 euros to finance the care service for deaf and/or deaf-blind people offered by the association.

Regarding the agreement between the Provincial Council of Castellón and the Association for the Fight against Renal Diseases, Alcer CastaliaThe financial aid of 30,000 euros will be allocated to the global project of care, prevention and awareness of people with kidney failure. For the Association of Parents of Autistic People of Castellón (Apnac), the allocation of 10,000 euros to the Family Respite project was approved, while for Advancement of the Lower MasterThe grant of 10,000 euros will be used to carry out recreational workshops for boys, girls and young people with neurodevelopmental disorders.

“Thanks to the work carried out by each of these associations, we can move towards a more inclusive and fairer society, where everyone can develop without obstacles and reach their maximum potential,” stressed the Social Protection MP.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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