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Sánchez extends hand to PP between attacks on Feijóo and proposes that autonomies “collect more taxes”

The PSOE Federal Commission began this Saturday in the Ramón Rubial Hall of the Ferraz headquarters with a speech by Pedro Sánchez, before the closed-door debate between the territorial leaders, which is expected to be heated due to the criticism of the agreement with the ERC. It was previously To begin with, critical leaders such as the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, and the secretary general of Extremadura, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, have reiterated this in statements to the media.

The Prime Minister did not make express reference to the economic agreement for Catalonia signed with the independentists in exchange for support for the investiture of Salvador Illa – whom he warmly congratulated on his election – although he reiterated his proposals on regional financing.

And he went even further, saying this week that he would significantly increase the regional compensation fund and that the regions would receive more money than ever before. Sánchez has shown himself willing to allow not only the Generalitat – which, if the agreement with the ERC is respected, to collect 100% of taxes, including the IPRF – but also other communities to “collect more taxes”.

In a speech once again full of attacks on Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the barons of the Popular Party (PP), whom he once again accused of “giving tax gifts to the rich”, he did not hesitate to publicly appeal to them, assuring that “our hand is extended”, and that “this can be confirmed by the regional presidents that I will meet in the coming weeks”. Before the start of the socialist conclave, the brand new Minister of Digital Transformation, Óscar López (also praised by Sánchez in his speech) accused Feijóo of “making a fool of himself” for his meeting this Friday in Madrid with the eleven regional presidents of his game.

Sánchez, who just before the holidays stressed that the agreement with the ERC and the granting of a quota to Catalan women is in line with the “federalization” of Spain, assured that the possibility for the autonomies to collect more by themselves is underway. the line of what happens in federal countries, among which he mentioned Germany or Canada. At the entrance, several questions to the territorial leaders focused on this model, to which the leader of the Madrid socialists, Juan Lobato, for example, expressed the opinion that our country already has a federal model, and that it is a matter of continuing to deepen it.

Sánchez began his speech with emotion, recalling the last Federal Commission, held on April 27, where he himself had withdrawn from the public agenda, threatening to resign after the judicial investigation for corruption against his wife, Begoña Gómez. Assuring that since then he had “a debt to pay”, he thanked the support shown then by both the members of the Federal Committee and the demonstrators gathered in the street that day and, he expressed, those who supported him, his family. , on social networks. “I will never forget it,” he assured. All this after reflecting on how “difficult” it is to dedicate oneself to politics and especially to have the “honor” of presiding over the Government. Something that, as he said, is especially “unfair” to “your wife, your mother or your brother.”

All the socialist leaders gave him a standing ovation when he confirmed that he would present his candidacy for re-election as secretary general at the Federal Congress to be held on the last weekend of November in Seville.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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