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HomeLatest News42-year-old woman dies after being swept into Tiana Creek by heavy rains

42-year-old woman dies after being swept into Tiana Creek by heavy rains

A 42-year-old woman has died after heavy rains swept her away this morning in the Tiana stream (Maresme). The body was found early in the morning on Badalona’s Cristal beach, as confirmed by sources from Mossos d’Esquadra. The Catalan police received the notice at 7:40 am. The Generalitat firefighters had started searching for the woman around three in the morning after being informed of her disappearance, carried away by the water of the stream.

The Generalitat firefighters had been informed of the woman’s disappearance a few minutes before three in the morning and therefore activated a search device, with three members of the GRAE Subacuàtic. The troops carried out a search from the stream, passing through the interior of the underground passage that channels the water to the mouth of the sea.

The drone unit followed the stretch of river, and this Saturday morning the members of the canine investigation group and the air resources unit with members of the GRAE were activated, but their intervention was ultimately not necessary. After finding the lifeless body of the woman on the Cristal beach in Badalona, ​​the Mossos d’Esquadra are investigating whether the victim was dragged by the river with the vehicle or not.

Maresme was one of the regions affected by last night’s heavy rains. The waterfalls caused rivers to flood and some cars were swept away.

Civil Protection had deactivated the Inunciat plan alert on Friday night because there were no new forecasts of rain intensity from the Meteorological Service of Catalonia (SMC), but at dawn the rains began with intensity in the interior regions of Tarragona and advanced towards the central regions and those of Barcelona and Girona.

Due to the torrential intensity of some rainfall and the observation alerts of the Meteorological Service, Civil Protection reactivated the Inuncat alert around 1:30 in the morning. In Canaletes (Anoia), the 40 liters per square meter were exceeded in 30 minutes. The plan is now in pre-alert because new rainfall is expected tomorrow, which could be intense. Civil Protection does not hesitate to reactivate the alert.

Flood warnings

Firefighters have received 178 warnings, more than 100 in the northern metropolitan area, due to problems caused by heavy rain. These mainly concern flooding on public roads, car parks and basements, as well as cleaning up landslides in buildings, removing trees, rocks on the road and incidents in electrical wiring.

For example, about 200 linear metres of streets in L’Escala, where there were 15 alerts, were flooded with more than a metre and a half of water and this affected doors and walls, some of which fell. Some cars were also trapped by the water.

In Galceran Street, in Masquefa, a car was swept away by the river at around 3:30 in the morning, but the driver was able to get out without any injuries. In Terrassa, at around 2:00 p.m., firefighters rescued two other people who were evacuated to the Mutua de Terrassa.

The line of strong storms swept the northern coast and the pre-coast of Catalonia at dawn, with a particular impact on the regions of Maresme, Vallès Occidental, Vallès Oriental, Selva, Gironès and Baix Empordà. The records were highlighted in several municipalities such as Verges with 76 liters, Vilanova del Vallès with 40.9 liters, Roca del Vallès with 37 liters, Dosrius with 34.6 liters or Granollers with 30.1 liters, according to data from Météocat stations and automatic meteorological systems. .


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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