Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:56 am
HomeBreaking NewsAbandoned factory burns in Valladolid town

Abandoned factory burns in Valladolid town

Fires occur in this place from time to time.“Something must be done to prevent them from happening again,” sources from the Íscar firefighters assured in statements to EL ESPAÑOL de Castilla y León.

All this after a new fire broke out in a factory abandoned for many years on the Cuéllar highway. Firefighters had to arrive at the scene at 6 p.m. to extinguish flames of unknown origin.

In total, a team of firefighters from Íscar went to the scene, accompanied by three professionals, to extinguish the flames and finish the service around 7:15 p.m.

Fortunately, there were no injuries, but the damage to the area was significant.

Íscar firefighters are working on site




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