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HomeLatest News"We must build this Catalonia with its singularity"

“We must build this Catalonia with its singularity”

The socialist president of the Congress and general secretary of the Socialists of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, today fiercely defended the privileged financing of Catalonia, the so-called Catalan quota and the interests of the independence groups: “We must build this Catalonia with its unique character”said the general secretary of the PSOE of the Balearic Islands at the entrance of the Federal Committee of the PSOE at the headquarters of Ferraz in Madrid.

Armengol advocated the transformation of autonomous Spain into a federal Spain, something that goes beyond the constitutional framework, which takes into account “the singularities of each of the territories, understanding very well that unity is built from the pact, the agreement and the consensus”, but without specifying If in this new scenario there were privileged communities, above the rest.

In this sense, he responded to the agreement between the Executive and the ERC regarding the single financing, according to which we must “continue building this Catalonia with its unique character with the rest of Spain”, while these consensuses which “have undoubtedly benefited Catalonia “They also benefit the rest of Spain, because they have restored peace and social cohesion.”

In connection with this, he indicated that “Coffee is not possible for everyone without morebut we must obviously also take into account the cost of living in each of the territories.

It should be remembered that that same week, Armengol stood out in Palma, at the beginning of the political journey, from a good part of the socialist barons and openly defended the agreement with Catalonia, which includes both the fiscal agreement and the collection of taxes from all. taxes.

Contrary to the opposing position expressed by more than half of the socialist federations, Armengol considers that the financing of Catalonia is “an opportunity” for the Balearic Islands, without however explaining why, beyond the fact that this agreement with little solidarity was signed by the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, who did it in August last year, the Spain’s highest paid politician with 215,000 euros per year.

Armengol, led the delegation of socialists from the Balearic Islands who attended this morning the Federal Committee of the PSOE, which called the Federal Congress of the party for the next 29th and 30th of November and 1st of December. A Bulgarian-style congress, as the President of Congress predicted today.

The congress, Armengol stressed, “will maintain the leadership of Pedro Sánchez, and this will also serve to strengthen us on fundamental issues that the socialists of the Balearic Islands have always defended with force and clear convictions.

A call which, for Armengol, “can serve as a rearmament” ideological for a party that is transforming Spain for the better, guaranteeing more and better rights to citizens and also improving the quality of life of citizens.

Furthermore, the socialist leader warned that “The consensus that benefits Catalonia also benefits the rest of Spainbecause we have restored peace and social cohesion, which was a fundamental outstanding issue.

Finally, he recalled that “20 years ago, Catalonia opened the debate on the statutes of autonomy, and there were autonomous communities like the Balearic Islands that we took advantage of to open our statutes, and now we can say that we have gained in powers”, in self-government capacity and in financing capacity”, which is why he insisted that “the window that Catalonia opens is an opportunity and a necessity to open a fair and supportive debate between all the autonomous communities and the Spanish government to make territorial improvements possible and respond to singularities.

“The Socialist Party is the party that most resembles Spain”concluded the Secretary General.

They also attended the socialist conclave meeting as members Marc Pons, Iago Negueruela, Josep Marí Ribas, Pilar Costa, Catalina Cladera and Silvana González.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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