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HomeBreaking NewsA small island state: paradise on Earth - RESEARCH of the "Caspian".

A small island state: paradise on Earth – RESEARCH of the “Caspian”.

Malta is a small island nation. It is not visible on the map, but it welcomes tourists from all over the world with its warm and comfortable climate, clear blue sea, rich history and friendly locals all year round.

“Is this your first trip to Malta? Welcome to our country. I think you’ll enjoy it…” After a short conversation with the friendly taxi driver who took us from the airport to the capital Valletta, the first thing that caught our attention were the clean streets of the island city. “This city is perfectly clean,” we tell each other.

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The little paradise of the Mediterranean Sea welcomes us like this…

Malta is a small island nation. It is not visible on the map, but it welcomes tourists from all over the world with its warm and comfortable climate, clear blue sea, rich history and friendly locals all year round.

The island was ranked as the second safest country to live in according to the UN International Risk Report. One of the reasons for this is the lack of immigrants on the island. “Compared to neighbouring Sicily, the crime rate on the island is quite low. Even in public places pickpockets are rarely recorded – most thefts occur in parked cars. However, it is recommended to keep large amounts of money and documents in a safe place in the hotel,” local residents said.

There are no economic difficulties in Malta. Almost everyone has a house. Most Maltese have converted to Christianity. “The locals are very sociable. They like to ask foreigners where they work, what interests them and why they have come,” – the opinions we heard were justified during the trip.

Malta was a British colony for over 150 years. Today, the island has two official languages: English and Maltese. Most of the island’s population speaks English and most of the island’s popular newspapers are published in English. Due to the growing demand for language schools, as well as local historical links to England, the island has become one of Europe’s leading language centres.

A cultural paradise

Malta is a unique combination of culture and history, fun and relaxation. The island is also called a “cultural paradise”. From ancient temples, medieval towns and churches, magnificent capital castles, tourists get acquainted with the stunning views of the port, see an interesting combination of old and new, find a rhythm that they will never want to leave. By investing in Malta, entrepreneurs get a passport that gives them the right to travel to 165 countries around the world. Buying a house on the island also helps you get a residence permit.

Medicine is well developed in the country. Medical tourism is practiced, and health trips aimed at rejuvenation and weight loss are popular.

fortified city

The capital, Valletta, is Malta’s main tourist centre. It is a fortified city built by the Knights of the Order of St. John in the 16th century. The city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Valletta is the first city in Europe whose development was built according to pre-planned projects.

From time to time, the country’s culture was influenced by the English, Arabs, Greeks, Normans and Spanish. As you walk through the streets of the city, you will see architectural examples that have absorbed the traces of different cultures. The most interesting thing is the colorful balconies that you will not find anywhere else.

“The island has become a filming location for the Hollywood film industry from time to time. The films “Gladiator”, “Game of Thrones”, “Captain Phillips” and others were filmed on the Maltese islands,” the guides explain to tourists. Places where the films were filmed.

The island has hot summers and warm winters. They are happy when they see snow every 50 years. This climate encourages tourists to explore the Maltese islands (Malta, Gozo and Comino) and spend time outdoors in all seasons of the year.

Malta is a legendary island for seaside holidays. With the onset of the summer season, thousands of tourists flock to Malta every year. Ask the locals “How to get to the beach?” – if you ask: “Which one? Do you want white, red or pink sand, or pebble, rocky or bare beach?” – you will hear the words.

The island has an excellent transport system. You can take a bus, book a taxi, rent a car or take a ferry from Sliema to Valletta or Gozo Island. A bus service connects all settlements in Malta. Taxis can be found at a special rank, parked on the street or ordered online.

The “three-city” tours, favoured by tourists, are very popular on the island. It is possible to easily travel from one city to the other on small wooden boats for two euros. Modern catamarans take tourists to Sicily by sea from Maria Dolores.

The advantage of living on an island

Traditional Maltese cuisine is a mixture of European and Arabic traditions and is closely combined with local flavour. Fish and seafood, vegetables and spices are very important here. The island’s dishes are reminiscent of the cuisine of nearby Italy, but have more pronounced oriental, especially southern, flavours. The Maltese menu also includes fish and seafood, but it is quite expensive (30-45 euros).

Visitors to the island enjoy good living conditions during their stay. Reasonable living prices are one of the reasons to choose the island for your holiday.

Olive oil dominates the local cuisine. “Maltese cuisine reflects the history of Malta. Tradition is respected here. After all, food on the island was cooked in stone ovens, over a slow fire,” they say, presenting their dishes cooked with different types of fish and spices. Turkish restaurants are also popular in Malta. Turks also choose the island to work because of its favourable climate and economic situation. A young Turkish woman working in a café said that living on the island is more affordable than in Turkey: “When I work in Malta, I can save at least 200 euros every month. However, this is not possible in Turkey. The minimum wage on the island is 1,200 euros. Here everyone has a job.”

Malta is a great holiday destination for people looking for romance. If you visit here, you also have the chance to take part in the festivities that take place throughout the year in towns and villages.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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