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How many euro coins can fit in a meter?, the curious game to pay for the Benidorm festivities

If you have ever wondered how many pieces of a euro to integrate one meter linear, in Benidorm they have already calculated it. It is not an idea or an exercise in calculation or geometry, but the curious game with which they collect funds for their patron saint festivals in November: they place this symbolic donation on a string, piece by piece, to see how far they go.

The answer to the question – if you are still interested – is 45 euros exactly. That’s what fits in a hundred centimeters.

This Saturday a new edition of the ‘Marathon of the euro’, this particular activity organized by the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals with the aim of obtaining funding for the next celebrations. The start took place at ten o’clock in the morning in Tomás Ortuño Street, in front of the Hort de Colón and the City Hall will report the final balance. It also provides financial aid every year for the month of November, regardless of the common contribution of the neighbors.

Valentina Almodobar And Laia Zamoraqueens of the festivities of seniors and children, have begun this unique journey that consists of placing, one after the other, the one euro coins, an effort affordable for all budgets, but which, together, can become an estimable resource, starting from a census that has already exceeded 70,000 registered inhabitants and with a floating population that reaches almost half a million in the high summer season, much less at this time.

One of the most colourful moments of Benidorm’s patron saint festivities, the “Hallazgo” event on the beach


The Mayor of Benidorm, Toni Perezthe Festival Advisor, Marilo Cebrerosand other members of the Society have joined this initiative which, in recent weeks, has heated up in networks social under the label #unmetreperlafesta.

The senator from Benidorm did not miss the start of the marathon either, Agustin Almodóbar and the regional deputies, José Ramón González de Zárate and Mario Villar, nor the presidents of the Commission and the Penyes Association ‘Verge del Sofratge’, Maria Dolores Cano And Jaume Corteswho showed with their presence – and their pieces – their commitment to the Festes Majors Patronals of Benidorm.

Throughout the day, the race continues in which anyone who wishes can collaborate. To do so, you just have to go to Tomás Ortuño Street and add to the line the one euro coins that each person wants.

Who knows, maybe they’ll have to evolve the game soon and see how many of these precious round pieces fit into a square meter. In theory, there should be 2,205, although that sounds a bit like a puzzle and would have to be verified in the field.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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