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HomeLatest News"This is the image of the decline of the PSOE"

“This is the image of the decline of the PSOE”

“Beyond the fact that these events take place in a festive atmosphere, they clearly reflect the mood lack of respect for institutions of this country and a clear picture of the PSOE declinea State party that has terminated in the service of Catalan independence fighters” Thus, sources of the Popular Party of the Valencian Community (PPCV), which presides, defined this Saturday Carlos Mazon the image published by OKDIARIO in which Santos Cerdanhe number 3 of Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE and trusted man of the President of the Government to negotiate with the independentists, poses with a star flag and a fake Carles Puigdemont making fun of the Mossos of Escuadra.

The image of Santos Cerdán with the estelada was taken this Friday in Milagro, a municipality in the Foral Community of Navarre. And it has attracted even more attention in the Valencian Community because it happened just a few weeks after The Catalan separatists, precisely, will burn a photo of Carlos Mazón at the Gracia festivities in Barcelona.

Neither the PSOE of Pedro Sánchez, nor that of the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia Salvador Illa Even Diana Morant’s Valencian PSOE has not yet condemned these events..

Santos Cerdán is also the person in charge of Pedro Sánchez to convince Carlos Fernández Bielsa and Alejandro Soler to withdraw their candidacies and leave the way open to Minister Diana Morant so that she does not have rivals and can access the elections as the sole candidate for the general secretariat of the Valencian Socialists.

THE starry It is an unofficial flag used by the Catalan independentists or by the pan-Catalanists of other territories. There are several types, but the one in the photo in which Santos Cerdán appears is the one known as White star (blue star), which is the Original and classic Catalan independence flag.

The image was not appreciated at all in the Valencian Community, because this estelada flag is also the symbol with which the independentists identify their dream of Catalan countrieswithin which these independentists include the Valencian Community.

The Executive of popular Last year, Carlos Mazón directed free from the effects of what is called the accelerated Valencian processwhat was experienced in the Valencian Community with the government of the socialist Ximo Puig with the nationalist coalition Compromís y Podemos.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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