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HomeLatest NewsFourteen paintings and nine sculptures by Tía Sandalia will be exhibited at...

Fourteen paintings and nine sculptures by Tía Sandalia will be exhibited at the Reina Sofía

Villacañas (Toledo) says goodbye this Sunday, September 8 at 8:30 p.m. at the Tía Sandalia House-Museum, the works of the artist Villacañera who will be exhibited at the Reina Sofía Museumfrom Madrid.

According to the city council, an event will be organized for all those who wish to attend in order to commemorate the artist and we wish the best for the stay of these works at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, in Madrid, where they can be seen from October of this year until March 2025.

Five curators from this museum, Pablo Allepuz García, Rafael García Horrillo, Germán Labrador Méndez, José Antonio Sánchez Martínez and Teresa Velázquez, were in charge of choosing 14 paintings and nine sculptures for the exhibition which will be titled “Esperpento”.

Catalina Sandalia Simón Fernández Verdugo (1902-1987), better known as Tía Sandalia, would never have imagined that part of her work would end up exhibited in one of the most important museums in Spain. She was an artist who could neither read nor write, but that did not stop her express their deep religious feelings through art.

With the advent of the Civil War and the resulting closure of the city’s churches, he wanted to show everyone who was interested in his work what his work represented, especially his relatives. Despite his modest condition and small savings, he managed to buy enough materials to complete his work and impress those around him.

Aunt Sandalia never considered herself an artist and never thought of selling her work, but today she is considered a notable representative of naive art.

He broke the mold so much that today he has a museum named after him in Villacañas and will have an exhibition at the Reina Sofía Museum.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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