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Barons mutiny for the first time against Sánchez for the Catalan quota: “We have come this far”

The PSOE barons were waiting for explanations and details on the umpteenth change of position of the Pedro Sancheznow with the Catalan quota, and silence and more cover-up have been found. Thus, two of the most critical territorial leaders, the man from La Mancha Emiliano Garcia-Pagethe Aragonese Javier Lamban and Extremadura Miguel Angel Gallardomaintained the same position of rejection and harshness that they expressed in recent weeks in public also before the President of the Government and the entire Federal Committee, gathered in far“, Gallardo expressed about what they are able to tolerate.

The Secretary General of the PSOE Aragon, Javier Lambandenounced before the rest of the barons, Sánchez and his companions that the agreement between the PSC and the ERC to provide Catalonia with “singular financing” “attacks the Constitution and against a cohesive and united Spain” for the “absolutely decisive” structural change it proposes for “the future of the country”, which, according to him, would mean “setting the fuse” to this kind of “bomb” that “would make it explode in the air.

A year ago, the president of Aragon, still at the head of the party in this region despite his delicate state of health, had expressed his rejection of the agreement in order to place himself “at the antipodes” of what the socialists and the rest of the formations of the Aragonese parliamentary arc “we have always defended”. “As Aragonese, as citizens and as socialists I am radically opposed to this agreement. “what the confederalization of the country implies,” he said insistently.

“I did not base myself on opinions or value judgments, I read the text as requested Salvador Illa and I did it in Catalan and Spanish so as not to miss anything,” Lambán said. According to him, the Catalan claim to “be similar to the Basque concert” with “full fiscal sovereignty and bilateral relations with the State” is “unconstitutional.”This represents a failure and a weakening of solidarity. and cohesion, because that would mean that the Generalitat would gain 30 billion more and that the loss of several billion of the State would logically be suffered by the rest of the autonomous communities,” he concluded.

Another of the most critical barons, Page, for his part, presented before Sánchez the agreement and the interpretation given by ERCspecifying that the wealth of Spain is not the national wealth, but rather that “there are 17 riches.” The president of Castile-La Mancha, the only socialist baron with an absolute majority, urged Sanchez to make public the true terms of the agreement to deny what the independentists were saying at the time. With a harsh tone that, according to sources present at the meeting, “exceeded institutional decorum.”

The leader of the socialists of La Mancha wanted to clarify during the PSOE conclave that the territories do not pay taxes, but that it is the citizens and companies who pay them.One thing is singularity and another thing is a specific regime“, he added. In anticipation of the next Federal Congress and the movements of Pedro Sánchez to move his presidency to the PSOE from the CL-M, he also wanted to affirm that when there are presidents in the party, the leadership is not discussed but it can be and They must debate policies and ideas. That is why he asked that the next congress discuss “in depth politics and ideas.”

Sanchez did not speak

The President of the Government and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, He did not comment once on the terms of the agreement between the PSC and the ERC. that grants Catalonia the economic agreement. Not even to defend the position that his own government has defended until now. Sánchez Yes, he talked about financingoffering all the autonomies a differential treatment like Catalonia, which would break the consensus and shatter fiscal solidarity, and has celebrated on different occasions his policy in this region which allowed the investiture of Illa.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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