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HomeLatest NewsRibera businessmen choose their annual winners "for their exceptional work"

Ribera businessmen choose their annual winners “for their exceptional work”

Jose Lainez Jimenez of UVESA and the Agorreta Sanchez Brothers d’AGORRETA will receive the ARE Awards in its 22nd edition, the prizes promoted by the Ribera Business Association “as a key recognition of the remarkable work of the Ribero business communitywho with their effort And dedication have contributed significantly to wealth generation And jobin our region.”

José Lainez Jiménez, former director of UVESA, will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award Business careerand the second generation of the Agorreta family, Alberto, Guillermo and Silvia Agorreta, the Generational Relay Award.

José Lainez started working at UVESA in 1966 and For 43 years he served as director of the poultry processing plant in Tudela. After his departure in 2015, he joined the Board of Directors of the Company“Under his leadership, UVESA has experienced notable growth and expansion, with new factories being created in Valencia, Cuéllar (Segovia) and Málaga, consolidating the company’s presence in different regions of the country,” ARE highlighted in a press release.

The association also stressed that “UVESA has been a pioneer in the field presentation of packaged and processed chicken meatwhich allowed the company to serve the main distribution chains as it was created in Spain.” The Tudela factory has gone from a of 100 workerswith the construction of a new factory, having a workforce of 800 peopleThis expansion process has not only favoured the development of the Tudela plant, but has also allowed UVESA, at a national level, to have a workforce of more than 2,000 people.

Agorreta, family business was founded in 1980 by Jesús Agorreta Baigorri, it began its journey with small potato contracts for chip factoriesand the cultivation of cauliflower and onion. In 1983, this began in artichoke culture, selling them in northern Spain and gradually expanding the business. From 1995 onwards, they “significantly increased” the production of artichokes and onions, begins exporting to the UK and Portugal. “Currently, the company continues to grow thanks to the efforts of its founder and his three childrenSilvia, Guillermo and Alberto”, highlight of the AER.

The award ceremony will take place on the 1st of nextSeptember 8 at the Auditorium ‘Juan Antonio Ducun’ In Ribaforada.

The jury was composed of Rafael Loscos, President of ARE; Domingo Sánchez, First Vice-President of ARE; Mario Sánchez, Second Vice-President; Jesús Pérez Apesteguía, Third Vice-President; David Navarro, vocalist; Santiago Sala, Director of Grupo Apex (2023 “Recognition for Lifetime Business Achievement” Award); Gonzalo and Diego Oliver, Directors of Grupo Enhol (2023 “Generational Relay” Award); Pachi Yanguas, Coordinator of Territorial Projects of the Chamber of Navarre in Tudela; Sergio Villava, Director of the EDER Consortium; Fernando Galindo, Head of the Rural Area of ​​Caja and Mikel Irujo, Minister of Industry and Ecological and Commercial Digital Transition of the Government of Navarre.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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