Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 1:57 pm
HomeBreaking NewsAn additional exam will be held today for about 500 students

An additional exam will be held today for about 500 students

On September 8, the State Examination Center (SEC) will hold an additional exam for students of grades 9 and 11 who were unable to participate in the final exams held in 2024 for good reasons, as well as for those who took the exam externally. In addition, students who were unable to participate in the Azerbaijani language exam (as a state language) held this year will also take the mentioned exam.

Oku.Az reports that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published information on this matter.

It was reported that 8 exam supervisors, 6 general exam supervisors, 51 supervisors, 7 employees of the graduation regime (security) and 6 representatives of the building were assigned to manage the exams organized in the cities of Baku, Nakhchivan, Ganja and Shirvan.

Exams start at 10:00 in all buildings. The launch mode ends at 09:45. After that, participants will not be able to enter the examination building. In order for participants to be able to comfortably enter the examination building, different arrival times have been determined and are indicated on the admission card of the exam participant. Therefore, it is recommended to show up at the examination hall at the time indicated on the admission card.

Students must bring the following documents to the exam:

– Admission card for the exam;

– The original of the identity document:

a) citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan (including participants under 16 years of age) an identity document;

b) foreigners and stateless persons have permit cards issued by the State Migration Service, and foreign citizens who have received refugee status and their family members have refugee cards;

– Participants who do not have a photo on their ID, along with other documents, a certificate issued by the educational institution with an attached photo (a 3×4 cm photo of the participant is attached to the certificate and the photo is confirmed with a stamp).

241 students of general secondary education (9 years) and 159 students of complete secondary education (11 years) are expected to take part in the exams. In addition, 75 students will take the exam only in the Azerbaijani language.

Three students with disabilities (visual impairment, hearing impairment) will also take part in the exam. In order for these students to be able to take the exam comfortably, a special room has been allocated in the examination building and a personal supervisor has been appointed for those who have been determined to be visually impaired due to impairment of body functions from 81 to 100 percent.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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