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Top Back-to-School Tips from OCU

Top tips for back to school according to the OCUToday, Sunday, September 8, we are a few hours away from one of the most important moments of the year for thousands of families in Spain: back to school. Tomorrow, Monday, September 9, classes begin in many autonomous communitiesdefinitively marking the end of summer and the return to daily routines. Although for some parents and students, Monday, September 10 will be the key day, the majority are already starting to feel that mix of emotions that the start of the school year brings. Nervousness, excitement at the idea of ​​seeing colleagues again and a little nostalgia for the holidays that are coming to an end are very common feelings in recent days.

It is in this context that it is essential to have good planning so that the start of the school year does not become a stressful experience. And to our aid comes the Consumer and User Organization (OCU)who shared several advice useful so that the return to class is as smooth as possible. These tips not only cover organization, but also how to manage the emotions of the little ones, the stress that returning to routine can cause and, of course, the family economy, which is affected by school expenses. And even if school is a constant in children’s lives, each new year brings its own challenges. Let’s find out below, OCU’s top three tips to make this back-to-school experience more bearable.

OCU’s advice for the start of the school year

Although we cannot avoid waking up early or doing upcoming homework, we can prepare ourselves so that the start of the course is easier for everyone. With a little foresight and a few adjustments to our routines, and based on the tips we reveal to you now, we will achieve this. Back to school seems like a natural step and not like a mountain to climb.

Adjust schedules

One of the biggest challenges children and parents face at the end of summer is the return to school schedules. During the holidays, the rules are usually relaxed.: Children go to bed late, get up quietly and routines fade into the background. However, so that the start of the school year is not a sudden shock, It is important to start adjusting schedules in advance and don’t wait for that day. The OCU therefore recommends that, a few days before the start of classes, children get used to stricter schedules again. Gradually moving forward your bedtime and wake-up time will help your body and mind adjust to the new routine.avoiding excessive fatigue on the first days of classes.

This advice extends to parents as well. Morning chaos is often due to a lack of planning on the part of adults. It is not only important to be clear about the children’s school schedule and extracurricular activities, but also to coordinate it with your own commitments. Knowing what time your work day starts, whether you will have time to go to the gym or a personal activity, or even planning your commute can make a difference. Prior planning not only reduces stress, but also allows you to face the start of the school year with a more positive attitude.

Don’t leave it to the last minute to organize school supplies

Another crucial aspect highlighted by the OCU is the organization of school materials. The beginning of the course involves a long list of things to do: buying books, stationery, uniforms or new clothes. Last-minute shopping trips often lead to impulsive and disorganized purchases.which can generate unnecessary expenses and charges. A key recommendation is to first check what you have at home. Many materials from the previous course can be reused, from pencils to backpacks or folders. This small gesture is not only a relief for the wallet, since it is estimated that the average cost of equipping a child for the start of the school year is around 530 euros, but it also promotes a more sustainable and environmentally friendly attitude.

In addition, Once all the materials are ready, labeling books, notebooks and other personal items can be a great way to prevent loss during class.. Maintaining order from day one will help children take responsibility for their belongings and, at the same time, will make it easier to organize the house. It is also useful to create a suitable study space, where they can concentrate and develop good study habits. A well-lit place, free of distractions and with everything you need at hand can make a big difference in academic performance.

Gradually resume routines

Back to school is not only a logistical and economic challenge, but also an emotional one, especially for the little ones. Some children may feel anxious about taking on a new challenge, new subjects or even a new school. The OCU recommends talking to them about what awaits them, but always with a positive perspective. Remind them that they will see their friends again, learn new things or participate in fun activities. can help ease your fears.

It is equally important that the return to routine is not abrupt. The transition must be gradual, allowing children to maintain a balance between study time, play and rest. In the first few days, it is advisable not to overwhelm them with homework or extracurricular activities; it is better to introduce school obligations gradually. And in this adaptation process, clear rules must also be established from the beginning, such as the time that will be devoted to television, video games or using the mobile phone. The goal is to find a balance between leisure and activities that stimulate their physical and mental development, such as sports or family activities.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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