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HomeLatest News60% of Spaniards will integrate leisure into their daily lives

60% of Spaniards will integrate leisure into their daily lives

Now that the vacation of the vast majority of Spanishwe face the challenge of returning to the daily routine. After spending days sunbathing and resting, it is time to find a balance between professional, family and personal responsibilities. But this return to routine does not seem as bleak as it seems. According to the recent Study “X-ray of leisure in Spain”, carried out by ATREVIA for the Carbonated Beverages Association, Nearly 60% of Spaniards have found a way to include leisure in their daily lives. These data reflect that we are facing a growing tendency to seek moments where we can disconnect and have a good time, which are on the other hand very necessary for our mental health.

However, it is not so easy for everyone. More than 30% of respondents continue to struggle to find free time, a reality that is felt more intensely after the holidays, when the memory of hours of relaxation and disconnection is still very present in our minds. In fact, 19% admit that even during the holiday period they were not able to completely relax. The study also highlights that, even though 95% of people are aware of the importance of leisure for your mental health, Factors such as work, family and domestic obligations, added to stress, prevent 66% from being able to devote enough time to leisure. This problem affects more women, people between 35 and 49 years old and residents of large cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Seville.

The importance of leisure for the Spanish

Despite the factors that can prevent people from enjoying free time, leisure remains a priority for many. Among the favorite activities by the Spanish to disconnect from daily stress, underlines going out for a drink. Meetings with friends dominate afternoon planswhile the Romantic dinners are the star plan for couples and family meals are reserved for sharing in the company of his loved ones. And in these plans, the refreshing drinks, Sugar-free versions, in particular, have become inseparable companions, reflecting a preference for healthier, more versatile options.

Leisure as a pillar of mental health

The ATREVIA studio, “X-ray of leisure in Spain”, carried out for the Soft Drinks Association highlights a fundamental aspect: leisure is not just a pastime, it is a necessity. Devoting time to recreational activities not only contributes to physical well-being, but also plays a crucial role in people’s emotional balance. In a context where stress is increasingly widespreadespecially among those who have multiple responsibilities, It is vital to find little moments to disconnect. Although many people recognize the importance of these leisure spaces, the challenge remains finding the time to devote to them.

Among the causes most cited by respondents that limit their free time, work overload stands out. Added to this are the family obligations and household choreswhich, on many occasions, leave little room for personal pleasure. Stress, the inevitable companion of responsibilities, hits certain groups harder, such as women and middle-aged adults, who are at the peak of their professional and family careers. This phenomenon is particularly palpable in large cities, where the pace of life can be frenetic.

Favorite activities: from bars to traveling

The study also reveals the activities preferred by Spaniards when they manage to find time for their leisure time. While going out for a drink remains the number one option, especially in bars and restaurants, other alternatives are also gaining ground. Traveling is presented as the second most sought-after activity, with 58.5% of respondents indicating that they would like to spend their free time discovering new places. Watching movies or series at home comes third with 28%, closely followed by playing sports outdoors (27%) and reading (26%).

Culture also has its place in the leisure activities of the Spanish, with 18% who like to visit museums or attend exhibitions. Popular festivals and music festivals, although less frequent, are also cited as enjoyable activities. These data demonstrate the diversity of options considered by the Spanish to disconnect from their daily obligations and recharge their batteries.

Soft drinks: an essential companion for leisure time

One of the most curious aspects reflected in the study is the close relationship between soft drinks and leisure time. For almost half of Spaniards, these drinks are the ideal companion during gatherings with friends or family. Additionally, growth has been observed in the consumption of sugar-free versions, reflecting a growing interest in healthier options. Beatriz Blasco Marzal, Director of the Refreshing Drinks Association, emphasizes that these drinks not only contribute to the social experience, but areTheir versatility makes them a preferred option for all ages.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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