Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 4:13 am
HomeEntertainment News“My isolation is a choice. It is a luxury. And that has...

“My isolation is a choice. It is a luxury. And that has always been my dream.”

One day or another, the ground becomes too low for the back. Inevitable aging of the body; whoever we are, whoever we have been. Brigitte confides in him World not thinking about their loved ones, about old age. ” She It flowed over me, day after day, without my concern. I don’t know if I’m old and I don’t want to know. I’m still living the best I can. I can’t bend over because my bones are breaking. This is annoying, but mostly it’s not practical. I don’t care, there are people worse off than me. There are people who have terrible things. I’m lucky. Besides, I stand up straight. »

At the end of September, Brigitte, known as “BB”, will be 90 years old. In view of “I have other problems”She “don’t pass [s]has life [s]We look in the mirror to tell. [s]are wrinkles or [s]I have white hair ». However, when asked, the object reflects “few wrinkles”and this is due to the fact that there is no “Never apply anti-wrinkle cream”As for the hair, BB knows it and says good luck. “have them very long down to the buttocks”remained “essentially [s]It has the original color, light brown, dotted with white veins.. One meter and fifty “extraordinary hair” that she washes herself “only” in the sink. “It’s not painful, but it works!”

“I’ll tell you, I never complain. My bones play tricks on me and deprive me of movement, except with my two English canes, but I cope very well with what they put me through. First, when you complain, everyone gets angry and then it doesn’t ease the pain. So I never complain and I live normally, like when I was younger, but with a disability. »

BB bluntly says that he kept “The same spirit as before, remained very young”. “I haven’t changed, I’m very particular in my judgments, in my way of seeing things. I’m very, very… I’m speechless, well… there are some that I can’t take back, but it doesn’t matter, I have others. » She laughs.

“Lazy, I never stop working”

Before we hear her laugh, we read her round handwriting in a letter she sent us, after an initial request for an exchange. The header in capital letters announced the color: “DON’T PUSH MOTHER INTO THE NETTLES.” After the letter came the voice, on the other end of the phone, from the only possible place of encounter with Brigitte, who does not receive. There, the intonation, the breathing, the heart that speaks, the modesty that contains itself, and then the laughter to punctuate it.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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