Monday, September 23, 2024 - 4:51 pm
HomeBreaking Newsfrom over 35ºC in Spain to another DANA in the coming days

from over 35ºC in Spain to another DANA in the coming days

After a few days dominated by very intense storms in the Mediterranean communities, the collapse of an Isolated High Level Depression (DANA) caused a increased instability and rain in Galicia, Cantabria, La Rioja, Castile and Leon, and especially in Navarre and Aragon, where they have reached a certain point more than 80-100 liters per square meter.

Temperature-wise, the weekend left a thermal oscillation. After increasing yesterday Saturday in the Mediterranean and in Galicia, this Sunday will increase in the western half of the peninsula but they will decrease in the Mediterranean area. Ihas storm The Cantabrian Sea will move northwards, leaving light rains in the northwest and Showers and thunderstorms in the Pyrenees and eastern Catalonia and Castellónwhich will be locally strong in coastal areas.

Meanwhile, in the far southeast and the Balearic Islands, occasional showers and thunderstorms are expected, accompanied by mudwith a tendency during the day for the rains to stop across the country. Throughout the day, Murcia will reach the maximum with 35 degrees followed by Malaga and Cordoba with 33 degrees. These values ​​will be very far from the 22 degrees that will be recorded in León, Oviedo, San Sebastian, Burgos and Lugo, among other capitals.

For next week, predicts Aemet spokesman Luis Bañón, the first days will again leave cloudy skies, with precipitation in the extreme north of the peninsula and in the westand temperatures that will drop in much of the country. The winds will blow strongly in the Cantabrian area, the Ebro Valley, the Pyrenees, the Balearic Islands and the Strait area.

The Weather Portal Eltiempo.esfor his part, announced that he would wait until Monday next week Rainfall in Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country, northern Navarre and the Pyrenees. In the late afternoon, strong storms could form over the Cantabrian Sea.

Tuesday’s situation could become unstable in the central areathe portal continues, quickly crossing the peninsula towards the east, with the release of a small DANA. Rainfall would continue in the far north and showers could form in southern Castile and Leon, northern Extremadura, Madrid, Castile-La Mancha and as it approaches the Mediterranean. The strongest could occur in the Valencian Community and Murcia.

According to the forecast, DANA would move away on Wednesday over the Mediterranean, although it would still leave showers in these regions. In addition, from the north, a Atlantic front which would cross the north of the peninsula with more rain. From Thursday next week, the approach of a ridge is expected and the anticyclone could favor an increase in stability. In the rest of the country, no rain is expected.

The Meteorological Agency stressed that in general, next week will be fresh for the season in many areasand with rains that, except in the far north, will be scarce. However, the second half of September is expected to be warmer than normal, with less rainfall than usual.




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