Monday, September 23, 2024 - 6:53 pm
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“If Ayuso had asked what they gave to Illa, Sánchez would have asked for 155”

The president of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoodenounced, in an interview published by the newspaper ‘El Mundo’, that in order to keep the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezin power”45 years of equal funding of public services are broken“, with the pact concluded between the PSOE and the ERC. According to Núñez Feijóo, with this financing pact for Catalonia “the vast majority are told that they will have 50% of the income that is collected in their community, and that “Seven million Spaniards, the immense minority, will have 100%.”

He added that “it is up to the PP, without tension or tension, to do a lot of pedagogy and remain absolutely firm in solidarity and equality” and considered that the Autonomous Communities “are a network of responsibility, a sense of State and “This network was broken just to save Private Sánchez.” In this sense, he assured that “the PP’s LACC will compensate for the irresponsibility of the Government.”If Ayuso asked what they gave to Illa in Catalonia, Sánchez would ask 155” he said.

He was asked if he trusted Emiliano Garcia’s pagePresident of Castilla-La Mancha and one of the socialist barons who spoke out most harshly against the financing agreed with ERC, responded: “I trust people who do what they say. I am convinced that Page believes in what he says, but he does not do what he says. (Javier) Lamban -general secretary of the PSOE of Aragon- speaks clearly and acts accordingly.

In the interview, he also denounces that “it is impossible to find the great consensus with Sánchez”, who on illegal immigration “Spain is now a boon for mafias“, and “the invasion that this government has made in all the institutions.”

“We are going to trace the entire invasion of Mr. Sánchez’s institutions. We did it at the CGPJ, and at the beginning of the judicial year I saw that it was worth it. I saw a Council that for the first time in the last 30 years, we elected a president without political interference,” he said.

For Núñez Feijóo, the “regeneration” that the PP “has introduced to the CGPJ” is worth it. “AND This is how we will proceed with the rest.“, he adds: “The Bank of Spain, the CNI, the CIS, the EFE, the Court of Auditors, the Council of State or RTVE are positions of the State and not of the government. “No one will be able to occupy these positions if they have had political links in the last five years in Spain.”




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