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CALL for war from the bloody church: They want an “iron fist” again

Last week, Azerbaijani-Armenian relations were marked by two notable events. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan did not congratulate his separatist compatriots on the “acceptance of the declaration of independence” of “Artsakh”, as he did on September 2 last year. Apparently, he learned a good lesson from the results of the 23-hour anti-terrorist operation of the Azerbaijani army. Samvel Shahramanyan, who was the last “president” of the separatists, signed another unserious statement in his own way, seeing that there was no official voice from Yerevan. The illegal “leader” of the illegal regime claimed that the “document” he signed on the dissolution of the institution he heads is “contrary to the constitution”. As if this were not enough, he also demanded that the separatist population who fled Karabakh of their own free will return under “international guarantees”.

About the topic “Caspian” We present the newspaper article.

Separatist Circus

Shahramanyan made a statement with a similar content once, and due to its ridiculousness, his “arguments” gave the effect of throwing a stone into a well. According to his separatist logic, the illegal document signed by the leader of the illegal regime, which is not recognized by any state, including Armenia, contradicts the abstract “constitution.” In other words, this satirical character who considers himself “president” admits that he has committed an “illegal” act and that it is necessary to eliminate this “illegality” and return it to the level of “law” – to conform to the amorphous “constitution.” As if it were a mistake, the leader of the separatist branch, who is not a subject of international law, also wants an international guarantee for the return of Armenians to Azerbaijan.

Although he was not the first president to admit to having committed an illegal act, the words of Shahramanyan, who went down in history as the first separatist “president”, are a clear indication of the impotence not only of him, but of Armenian separatism as a whole and of the Kocharyan-Sargisyan marriage, known as the “Karabakh clan”. It is no secret that Shahramanya’s words are the message that these people want to send to the society, whose hands are soaked in the blood of thousands of Azerbaijanis and who have held the Armenian people captive with their hiccups for almost 30 years. If earlier the states of the world, which fueled Armenian separatism and did not say to the authorities in Yerevan and the entrenched executioner regime in Karabakh, “you have an eyebrow over your eye”, turned a blind eye to such frivolous statements, now they simply have nothing to say. Justice has been done, Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity and Armenian bosses are now forced to digest in reality what they once accepted only on paper. However, the fact that Shahramanya’s statement remains an assertion, however weak the evidence, reveals and exacerbates the revanchist tendencies in Armenian society. Because he is not the only one speaking in this content…

A call to war from a bloody church

In addition to Shahramyan, an incendiary statement was also made by Catholicos II Karegin, the leader of the Church, which is one of the main pillars of the Armenian state. While Shahramyan speaks of “legal” procedures, Garegin calls on the Armenian people to “restore justice.” In fact, this is a provocative step towards starting a new war. Among the Armenian population, there are not a few who listen to the Catholicos, and this position of the Church, which Pashinyan was unable to completely defeat, should be analyzed in all seriousness.

Armenian statehood is a concept formed around the church. Throughout history, the Armenian people have won and lost thanks to the services of the church. In the rise of separatism in Karabakh, both local clerics and “deputies” from Armenia and other parts of the world have a decisive role. They participated in military operations with weapons in hand. Now deprived of this opportunity, the Church plays the main role in the overthrow of power in Armenia and the return of Kocharyan’s supporters to the political Olympus. From March to April of this year, church officials are at the forefront of the “popular movement” against Pashinyan’s government. News is circulating that a new attack by this movement will be launched in the coming days. Therefore, Garegin’s statement is not an ordinary word, and there is still a large contingent of Armenian society living with the fantasy of “let’s overthrow Pashinyan and return Artsakh.”

The government of West Azerbaijan

The past four years prove that an “iron fist” is always needed to lead Armenia and Armenians on a constructive path. If Yerevan realized the power of our military power during the 44-day Patriotic War and the anti-terrorist operation, the fact that the separatist office of Shahramanyan and others like him has not yet been closed by official Yerevan should see the impact of our history-based diplomacy. We are talking about the establishment of the government of Western Azerbaijan and the systematic presentation of our fair demands on the remaining historical lands on the territory of modern Armenia at the level of law and international law. If the Pashinyan government recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and, as it says, is ready to sign the final peace agreement today, then let it close the separatists’ office in Yerevan and silence people like Shahramanyan. It is useless to expect that official Yerevan will achieve anything by keeping silent and making the separatists talk.

There are enough opportunities and arguments to neutralize this trend of revanchism in Azerbaijan. Hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis and their children who were expelled from Armenia – from our historical lands by force and by force of arms – are still alive. These people have the right to return to their legal homes. The issues of their return and restoration of their rights should be raised more systematically. In fact, the Milli Majlis parliament, where deputies from our ancestral homeland in Western Azerbaijan are represented, should intensify its activities in this direction. In other words, in the conditions of Pashinyan’s silence, people like Shahramanyan playing along with Kocharyan and Sargsyan may have serious consequences for Yerevan. In addition to international law, historical facts are also in our favor.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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