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PP accuses Sánchez of having “taken away a problem from Maduro” by granting asylum to González in Spain

The government of Pedro Sanchez agrees with the regime Nicolas Maduro expel the opponent and elected president of Venezuela, according to the known minutes, Edmundo Gonzalez. He is already heading to the air base of Torrejon de Ardozwhere you will arrive after four in the afternoon. A move that has been harshly criticized by the PP, which believes that it helps the Chavista regime to pave the way to continue governing after the hard blow. “What this does is remove a problem from the dictatorship.”assured the popular Esteban Gonzalez Pons.

“The corrupt offices of Sánchez and Zapatero should be spared their praise: impeach Edmundo González without recognizing him as the legitimate president “It is not about doing a service to democracy, but rather eliminating a problem of the dictatorship. Cuba would do the same if asked. Maria Corina still remains,” Pons said.

The reaction of the deputy spokesman of the PP in the Congress of Deputies was similar, Cayetana Alvarez of Toledowho assured that “the government is taking medals for having brought the wrong man to Spain. “It is not the elected president of Venezuela who should have received a bridge of money, but rather the criminal usurper.”

Criticism directed at the new scenario that is opening in Venezuela, with González already out of the equation and with the Maduro regime that still refuses to show the minutes of the elections that would give him the presidency and eliminate Chavism from power. In fact, as Caracas has confirmed, the former president José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero took an active part in the negotiations. It is worth recalling that Zapatero has become in recent years a supporter of Maduro at the head of the international community.

Taken from Venezuela

A joint operation between the Armed Forces Spanish, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finished with Edmundo GonzalezVenezuelan opposition leader, leaves the country for Spain aboard a Falcon. A plane mobilized last Thursday with a mysterious flight plan to the Dominican Republic, where the North American Secretary of State also landed on Friday, Anthony Blinkenand the plane that the Chavista vice-president regularly uses Delcy Rodriguez. Behind us are 72 hours of tripartite negotiations between Spain, Venezuela and the United States. All Falcon flights were carried out at night and false flight plans were even drawn up as a distraction.

Edmundo González, president-elect of Venezuela, is traveling to Spain aboard a Spanish Air Force plane, as confirmed on social media by Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.

The minister indicated that this transfer was made at the request of Edmundo González himself, stressing that “the Spanish government is committed to the political rights and security of all Venezuelans.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed in a statement that González had left Caracas for Spain on board a Spanish military plane and that “the Spanish government provided the diplomatic and logistical means necessary for his transfer, requested by itself.”

On the other hand, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodriguezannounced this Saturday that Edmundo González Urrutia, leader of the opposition, had left the country with a safe conduct granted “in favor of tranquility and political peace”, after having spent “several days” taking refuge in the embassy of Spain, a country that will grant him asylum.

“Today, September 7, the opponent Edmundo González Urrutia left the country, who after voluntarily taking refuge for several days in the embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Caracas, requested political asylum,” Rodríguez wrote on Instagram.

PP on Venezuela

The Popular Party will submit this week for debate and vote in the plenary session of Congress a proposal on the presidential elections in Venezuela. The initiative seeks for Spain to recognize the opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, as the winner and new president of the country, in addition to condemning the repression of the government of Nicolás Maduro and condemning the silence of former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who acted as a mediator between the Venezuelan government and the opposition.

The proposal, which will be discussed on Tuesday, could be approved in its entirety or in some of its points, since not only the PP and Vox support the recognition of the victory of the opposition in Venezuela, but also other parties allied to the government such as the PNV and the Canarian Coalition.

The vote comes after the Venezuelan court issued an arrest warrant for Edmundo González for alleged crimes including “usurpation of functions”, “falsification of public documents”, “incitement to disobedience to the laws”, “conspiracy”, “sabotage of systems” and “association”.

More pressure on Maduro

In the proposal, the popular party points out that, according to the minutes presented by the democratic forces and approved by international organizations, Edmundo González obtained 7,303,480 votes, which represents 67% of the total, reflecting the “unequivocal desire of the Venezuelan people for a transition from dictatorship to democracy, from oppression to freedom.”

Therefore, they argue that, in the face of the Maduro regime’s attempt to impose a “perverse narrative,” the Spanish government has a “political and moral obligation” to recognize the opposition leader as the “elected and legitimate president” of Venezuela, calling it an “act of justice and respect for the truth.”

Furthermore, they point out that this decision brings two key consequences: first, increasing pressure on Maduro and his allies in a context of growing repression; and second, sending a clear message to the Venezuelan government to “assume reality and relinquish power.”

“In the face of dictatorship, fraud and repression in Venezuela, there is no room for equidistance or doubt,” they say, criticizing the “silence” of former President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and his “unacceptable” lack of commitment to truth and justice, calling it “explicit support” for Maduro.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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