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HomeLatest Newsthe departure of Edmundo González, agreed with Spain

the departure of Edmundo González, agreed with Spain

Edmundo González, the leader of the opposition to Venezuelan Chavism, had been taking refuge in the Spanish embassy in Caracas since the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office ordered the search on September 5. During this time, the three-way negotiations for his exile were taking place. An exile who has been widely criticized by the PP, which believes that the Sánchez government “has taken away a problem from Maduro” and has not even recognized him as president of Venezuela.

Likewise, this morning, the Dutch Foreign Minister, Caspar Veldkamp, ​​revealed that Edmundo González had remained a refugee in the Dutch embassy in Caracas for more than a month before hiding in the residence of the Spanish ambassador and traveling to Spain.

González has not participated in any public event since the July 28 elections and the Dutch foreign minister explained that he had decided to respond to an “urgent” request the day after the elections to host the opponent “for as long as necessary.”

This was explained by the Dutch minister in a letter sent to Parliament, in which he also specified that González had finally chosen to leave this seat and “continue his fight from Spain”, according to the agency. BloombergAccording to the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, González was under the “hospitality” of the Netherlands until last Thursday, September 5.

Venezuela’s executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, reported that Edmundo González, leader of the largest Chavista opposition coalition, had spent the last few days taking refuge in the Spanish embassy in Caracas. Specifically, in the ambassador’s residence. She was also the one who assured that she had requested “the treatment of political asylum before this government,” in reference to Spain.

Furthermore, in the published note Delcy Rodriguez On his social networks, he reveals a negotiation between Spain and Venezuela to agree on the exile of Edmundo González. Specifically, he assures: “Once relevant contacts have taken place between the two governments“After reaching the extremes and in accordance with international legality, Venezuela has granted safe conduct.”

However, the Spanish executive denies that there have been contacts between the two governments to obtain the departure of Edmundo González from Venezuela to Spanish exile. This is what diplomatic sources quoted by ETP.

But as OKDIARIO has learned, a joint operation between the Spanish Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs resulted in the departure of Edmundo González, leader of the Venezuelan opposition, for Spain aboard a Falcon. A plane that was mobilized last Thursday with a mysterious flight plan to the Dominican Republic, where the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the plane regularly used by Chavista Vice President Delcy Rodríguez also landed on Friday. Behind us are 72 hours of tripartite negotiations between Spain, Venezuela and the United States. All the Falcon flights were carried out at night and false flight plans were even drawn up as a distraction.

Edmundo González requested asylum

Edmond GonzalezThe leader of the largest coalition opposed to Chavism in Venezuela, is traveling to Spain on a Spanish Air Force plane, as confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs on his social networks. Jose Manuel Albares.

The Spanish Foreign Minister reports that this trip is being made at the request of Edmundo González himself, because “the Spanish government is committed to the political rights and physical integrity of all Venezuelans.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also confirmed in a statement that Edmundo González had taken off from Caracas for Spain in a Spanish Air Force plane, since “the Spanish government has put in place the diplomatic and material means necessary for its transfer, carried out at its request.”

This Saturday, during his opening speech of the PSOE Federal Committee, Pedro Sánchez spoke specifically about Edmundo González. He affirmed that Spain “will not abandon” the Venezuelan opposition candidate in the presidential elections of July 28, whom he described as a “hero.”

On September 3, the Venezuelan regime issued an arrest warrant against Edmundo GonzalezA court issued the order, following instructions from the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office, against the opposition leader.

The First Special Court of First Instance for Control Functions, competent for cases related to crimes associated with terrorism, ordered the arrest of González Urrutia for the alleged crimes of “usurpation of functions”, “forgery of a public document”, “incitement to disobedience of laws”, “conspiracy”, “sabotage to undermine systems” and “association”, as confirmed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office on its Instagram social network account.

Previously, Deputy Prosecutor Luis Ernesto Dueñez had requested González’s arrest, a request that comes after the former opposition candidate failed to appear on Friday at the headquarters of the prosecutor’s office, which is investigating him for publishing data on the Internet that prove his identity and victory in the June 28 elections, the third time he has refused to appear.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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