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a common “fear” after 50 years

Right-hander Jesulín de Ubrique suffered a micro-infarction while he was resting with his family in El Rincón de la Victoria and was urgently admitted to a hospital in Malaga. According to the family and confirms TroublesThe bullfighter is out of danger and under observation. The 50-year-old bullfighter was quickly treated this Sunday after feeling unwell at his home and has a history of cardiovascular accidents, a arrhythmiawho was diagnosed in 2017.

It was a “scare,” the family says, and that is how these “micro-infarcts” are usually interpreted, which generally correspond to what is clinically called transient ischemic attack. As explained by the Mayo ClinicThis accident is caused by a brief obstruction of blood flow to the brainwhich lasts a few minutes and, fortunately, usually does not cause long-term damage. However, it is a warning of a systemic problem, and one in three people who suffer from it will eventually suffer a stroke or cerebral infarction in the long term.

These micro-infarcts are also called “silent” because the patient may not be aware of sufferingalthough people around you may notice that you are suffering from disorientation or have difficulty speaking. In other cases, they involve more serious symptoms of dizziness, loss of vision or paralysis of the limbs, which Jesulín may have suffered. However, a work by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation has clarified that a person affected by a microinfarction can suffer thousands of them throughout your life without being aware of it, the right-hander could therefore already be affected before.

“Micro-cerebral infarctions are small vascular lesions of variable size (about 0.05 to 3 millimeters in diameter) and silent (i.e. they appear without causing symptoms), which are generally of ischemic origin. That is to say: the blood flow is reduced or stopped, causing damage to this brain territory. lack of oxygen“, they explain to the Foundation. “These lesions are located in cerebral territories irrigated by small-caliber arteries and arterioles, which generally border the areas irrigated by the large cerebral arteries.”

It is important to emphasize that the risk factors for microinfarction or transient ischemic attack are the same as those for cerebral infarction and are mainly related to lifestyle habits. Mainly, the smoking, alcohol, overweight, sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In addition, it is more common in men and between 50 and 55 years old, as in the case of Jesulín. atherosclerosis -the formation of cholesterol plaques that clog the arteries- is a common cause of ischemia.

“Plaques can reduce blood flow through an artery or lead to the formation of a clot. A blood clot that travels from another part of the body, such as the heart, into an artery that supplies blood to the brain can also cause a transient ischemic attack,” they say from the Mayo Clinic. “In a transient ischemic attack, unlike a stroke, the blockage is brief and no permanent damage“.

Finally, the arrhythmia suffered by the right-hander could have constituted a precedent to be taken into account. There are two types of arrhythmias: tachycardias occur when the rate is greater than 100 beats per minute, while bradycardia They do this below 60 beats. Although this is an easily controllable alteration, it increases the risk of forming a clotwhich will then cause a heart attack of varying severity. After this “scare”, Jesulín will definitely have to undergo long-term monitoring of his cardiovascular health.




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