Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:57 pm
HomeLatest NewsBut what is it?

But what is it?

But what is it? A few presumptuous, malicious people, believing in infallibility, obtuse, insane, outdateds, envious, national socialist and communist dictators, racists and pseudo-rightists embracing each other for the destruction of Spain?

But what are they? Tyrants, thieves, embezzlers, lying friends of terrorists, murderers, bandits, evildoers, fugitives from justice and criminals in charge?

But what is it?Scammers, corrupt, thievesmanipulators and liars, as a model?

But what is it? Is it Spain? Is it what we want it to be? Is it the wonderful heritage we have given ourselves almost fifty years ago?

Is it a momentum of reconciliation and peace that we promised to transmit from generation to generation? Is it the civilization that Spain represents? Is it the consequence centuries of splendor and also times of misery which we readily believed to be forever surpassed?

But what is it? Shamelessness as a system and deception and perversion as a method? But what is it? A manifest and irresponsible insolvency day after day and this as a master formula?

Is it acceptable for a government president a populist-communist speechor acceptable to attract hundreds of thousands of immigrants one day and the next day turn around, after a call from Brussels and stop the car, or appoint this week the governor of the Bank of Spain without consensus, phagocytizing another institution, or unconstitutionally give taxes to Catalonia, eliminating equality between the Spaniards, thus giving sovereignty and accepting the blackmail of the putschists continue to occupy the chair after having accepted the entry and exit of a fugitive into Spain? And the Attorney General of the State, at the opening of the judicial year, about to be indicted, and to be once again the voice of a traitorous government and all before the King? Is it acceptable to be surrounded by corruption in one’s family and not to have resigned for months?

But what is it? Ignominy and absolute lack of ethics as an exemplary proposal for governing?

But what is it? Slander, greed, corruption, daily manipulation, blackmail as a formula to continue in the most absolute rot?

But what is it? The imposition of a national-socialist and communist engineering, updated In the style of Maduro Chavistato show that we are still in a democracy, now openly hiding the dictatorship under this cloak?

But what is it? The magic formula that must be offered to the free and democratic world, seasoned with the most abject immorality and where Spain must bear the imposition of the most terrible image and the most negative consequences imaginable?

No. This It can’t go on like this. Spain does not deserve this depravity and indignity…

No. Spain is a great nation that does not deserve to be ruled by unprecedented degeneration.

No. Spain is the homeland of those who built an exemplary society in every imaginable area, with the obligation to pass it on to future generations and not to those who want to break and destroy a work of several centuries.

No, Spain is the great treasure of reconciliation and peace that we have given ourselves and which has astonished the world and not that of those who work daily to sow hatred, depravity and the worst of the systems that have caused the greatest tragedy in the history of humanity.

No. Spain is exemplary and constitutes the melting pot of a rich heritage which allows us to be on par with the best and also to be admired by the world on many occasions.

No. Spain is a promoter of the creation of human rights and democracy, which does not allow impostors.

No. Spain is the creative example of a civilization that is, with the contribution of another origin, of our Christian and Western culture, in which the free world can exist. No one, and much less those who have no principles and no respect for anything, can, despite all their efforts, even with all their strength, destroy Spain.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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