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HomeLatest NewsLet's give democracy back to the dictator

Let’s give democracy back to the dictator

I have come to the conclusion that Sánchez would be less of a problem for us as a dictator than as a democrat, even though he never was one. A democrat, I say. Just like a dictator, he would not have capitulated to the separatist coupnor would he have delivered Spain to nationalism, nor would he have needed to raise taxes to maintain the blackmail that the votes of the enemies of the nation impose on him every day. As a dictator, we would not be subjected to the constant hoaxes of his palm press, because everything would be a knot of happiness and media happiness. Broncano and Intxaurrando would not be necessary because Angelines and Pepa would do it for half the money. Pepa and Angelines are the pilots of the grandmother and the Pravda morning radio, to understand each other. Even the lie would be lightened compared to the official argument, because why lie when it doesn’t matter if the truth is upsetting. You do what the dictator says, and that’s it.

In this idea conceived slowly in his little head Duce, Sánchez now says he will govern with or without the support of Parliament. In a democracy, when the Executive does not have the support of Parliament, calls for elections. If instead of calling them it decides to close, ignore or censor the Cortes, the dictatorship shows itself proud. We are now going through this stage. Do not expect to understand if this were the case a speech errorsince that was how it had been written to him, nor a slips of the tongue typical of the euphoria that almighty power gives him, but rather an affirmation of his intentions, because, deep down, Sanchez always warns, by action or omission, by interposed lie or revealed truth, of what is to come.

The reason why the potential dictator takes off his mask, publicly declares that he will rule without Parliament, attacks judges, buy in the media -and half of Spain-, impose a federal state, give privileges to the gentlemen who have carried out a coup against the nation and the Constitution (and plundered the citizens to pay for it), attacked the institutional powers of the country and filled the pockets of their families and friends with millions, it is simple: because they can. No autocracy has been built on decency and cleanliness, as the No tyrant ever left power voluntarily. We let ourselves be stopped in the future by not knowing how to stop it in time. If anyone can stop this dog, hold it on a leash now.

When his announced victory speech arrives, where there will be no more history or memory than that which he dictates from the Pardo de Moncloa, that day he will proclaim, with his usual phlegm and pomp, surrounded by the court of palms that always accompanies him. and the stands Tertullians who adore him, that dictatorship is the best way to ensure freedom of the people, and the newspapers of the regime, which will all be, will recite this phrase as the best slogan of all time. And we will be happy. Who knows if, in a totalitarian future, no longer needing the support of the puigdemons, thugs And oteguis, nor of the Eurocratic plutocracy of Sorosphere, Let’s defend Spain as it deserves, let’s protect the borders as they should be and let’s stop suffocating those who work and produce because there will be no more maintain both political and official parasites. This would even spare us from having to choose every four years between hundreds of ineffective, very expensive and ineffective elections, under the pretext that democracy is voting and the rest is dictatorship defeated. So let’s not wait any longer and give democracy to the dictator. If that is the goal we are heading towards, let’s reduce the journey and the hassle and give the autocrat what he came for. Perhaps when he has everything, he will start to behave, in his deconstructed sociopathy, like a budding democrat, à la Benjamin Button, and will take the opposite path towards the political and moral nothingness that he has always been.

And in the face of this reality that pushes us without remission or rebellion, I allow myself to the leader who is already arriving, to write a letter with the same spirit in the letter that one of his references signed not so long ago from the same Castilian of the lands that will soon see him reign without opposition or control.

Today, Spain captive and disarmed by free citizens and likewise, the Sanchist troops achieved their final autocratic goals.

Democracy is over.

Signed: Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón
Leader of Spain by the grace of the PSOE


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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