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HomeLatest NewsSánchez begins China visit with 'constructive desire for dialogue' despite trade tensions

Sánchez begins China visit with ‘constructive desire for dialogue’ despite trade tensions

Pedro Sánchez began his official visit to China this morning. He did so by inaugurating the 9th Spain-China Forum, an event that, after nine years, brings together institutional, economic and academic representatives from both delegations in Beijing. The President of the Government expressed his gratitude for “the resumption of this valuable channel of dialogue”. “This collective conversation promotes an exchange of ideas and a dialogue that is extremely valuable for bilateral relations between friendly countries such as China and Spain.”

Today is Sánchez’s second trip to the Asian giant in just fifteen months, an unusual frequency in the history of exchanges. “Last year, we gave new impetus to the relationship with progress in broad areas of mutual interest such as the agri-food, tourism and cultural sectors,” he noted.

While this meeting was marked by the geopolitical crisis triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this time the trade war brewing between the European Union and China overshadows all other issues. Faced with the imposition of provisional customs duties on its electric cars, the regime responded by threatening the Spanish pork sector.

Sánchez, however, lands ready to show complacency. “Even in areas where our positions do not completely coincide, we maintain a constructive will for dialogue and cooperation, committed to developing a positive agenda in the search for consensual solutions for the benefit of both parties,” he defended this morning.

“The international order is going through a period of enormous volatility, the certainties we took for granted in recent decades are being called into question. In Europe, we are unfortunately immersed in the third year of the war of aggression unleashed by Russia against Ukraine. The Middle East is experiencing an escalation of tensions and violence of unprecedented intensity. At the same time, global challenges such as the climate emergency, digital transformation or the fight against inequalities are taking on new dimensions.

In this turbulent context, the president stressed the necessary involvement of the Asian giant. “It is in our power to find a solution to these problems together and the best response to this complex context is more dialogue and more exchange of ideas. “Spain and China have strong ties.”

In this sense, Sánchez advanced the signing of a joint collaboration agreement on green development. “I am pleased to say that [la lucha contra el cambio climático] This is one of the main areas of collaboration. “Both countries are committed to a fair transition to new energy sources.”

The President also celebrated tomorrow the inauguration of a new center at the Cervantes Institute in Shanghai, “a milestone of great symbolic value that makes a historic aspiration of the main institution for the international projection of the Spanish language and culture a reality.”

In the coming hours, Sánchez will hold successive meetings at the Great Hall of the People with Li Qiang, Prime Minister, and Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and, as such, the third authority of the State. Finally, he will meet at the Diaoyutai residence with Xi Jinping, who will offer him a discounted dinner in his honor.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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