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When can you buy the 2024 Christmas Lottery?

We are already in the month of SeptemberToday begins precisely the back to school and you may start to think that maybe now you can buy your lottery tickets for the Extraordinary Christmas raffle. A whole tradition in Spain that serves as a sort of starting signal for our Christmas and that in a certain way, you can already start living if we take into account Since when can you buy tenths? This can finally make it so that this year we have the famous Fat Christmas.

But When can you buy the 2024 Christmas Lottery? You may think that you still have to wait until the end of December, knowing that the draw takes place on December 22nd of this month. However, the reality is different since Since last July, lottery administrations have had tickets for the Christmas draw So surely many will have taken advantage of the summer holidays and bought numbers where they spent the summer. In fact, many people and families do this, they take advantage of the fact that they travel to other cities in Spain to spend the summer, and thus try their luck to see if perhaps the lucky number with the “Gordo” finds themselves where they spent their holidays.

When can you buy the 2024 Christmas Lottery?

The Christmas draw is that magical moment when the sound of children of San Ildefonso marks the beginning of dreams and hopes for many. And while it may seem like centuries away, the reality is that in just three months, the draw will take place. So now you can buy your tenth and cross your fingers. Yes, you read that right. Since July 3, lottery administrations have had tenths for the most exciting draw of the year.

The tradition of waiting until the last minute to buy tickets is very common, but why wait? Every year, thousands of people realize that their favorite number or the ending they have always played is already sold out, and the desire for the Christmas lottery begins well before the cold arrives. For this reason, being in the middle of the holiday season, the National Lottery and Betting Company (SELAE) has launched the machines, and in physical administrations the The tenths have been available to the most avant-garde for more than two months.

And what about tenths sold online? Well, the so-called “electronic tenths” or “blue tenths” are also on sale at the same price of 20 euros per tenth. Still They come out a few days after the physicals, but since these have been sold since July and it is September, you already have them in the format you prefer. In addition, both in the case of the physical ticket and the one purchased online, You have until December 21 at 10:00 p.m. to make your purchase.. From this day on, the deadline expires and all that remains is to wait for the result of the draw which, as every year, will take place on December 22 at the Teatro Real in Madrid.

How much can I win in the Christmas raffle?

Now you know that you finally have the tickets available for the 2024 Christmas Lottery draw, and you surely dream of winning the famous “Gordo”, but the truth is that it is a draw in which there are other prizes, which are divided into different categories, and although the probabilities of winning vary depending on the prize, The numbers can be very attractive.

Fat Christmas Man

The first prize, known as “El Gordo”, is undoubtedly the most anticipated and dreamed of all. This prize distributes the figure of 4 million euros per series, which is equivalent to 400,000 euros per tenth. If you are lucky enough to receive a tenth prize with El Gordo, this amount is the one you would get before taxes. After applying the 20% withholding tax (for amounts over 40,000 euros), You will be left with 328,000 euros of your own.

Second prize

The second prize, although not as high as the “Gordo”, is still a good amount. This one distributes 1.25 million euros per series, which means that the winner of the a tenth would cost 125,000 euros. By applying the same 20% withholding tax, you would end up with 108,000 euros net in your account.

Third prize

The third prize offers 500,000 euros per series, or 50,000 euros per tenth. After applying a 20% tax on the amount exceeding 40,000 euros, The net price would be 48,000 euros.

Fourth and fifth prizes

The Christmas Lottery also offers slightly smaller prizes, but they are still very attractive:

  • The fourth prize awards 200,000 euros per series, or 20,000 euros per tenth. In this case, no tax is applied, since the price does not exceed 40,000 euros, so you will receive the full amount.
  • The fifth prize distributes 60,000 euros per series, which is equivalent to 6,000 euros per amount which is also not subject to withholding tax.

Minor Prizes: Pedrea and Approximations

In addition to the great prices, There are minor prizes such as:

  • THE pedrea, which distributes 1,000 euros per series (100 euros per tenth).
  • THE approximations: if your number is one above or below Gordoyou would get 2,000 euros per tenth. IThe approaches for the second and third prizes also have amounts awarded, although slightly lower.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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