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HomeLatest Newstechnology that is changing healthcare

technology that is changing healthcare

Robotics and automation technologies are also being used for healthcare purposes. These advances not only promote independence and autonomy, but contribute to reducing social stigma.

Assistive robotics covers a wide range of applications. Although Some of these technologies are still in developmentIts potential has been highlighted by various entities across the world.

Assistive robotics

Assistive social robotics focuses on the development of robots designed to interact with and assist people in various tasks and activities. These robots can provide everything from healthcare to emotional companionship.

Modern social robots are more than just machines; They are designed to mimic human behaviorThey have bodies that move and gesture like ours, they speak and express their emotions in familiar ways and they even look like us.

For tasks that require high handling skills, It is essential that caregivers can teach them these tasks in a simple way.. This can be done by demonstration or in a guided manner.

Assistance robots

Among the main assistance robots developed so far are the following.


Exoskeletons, also known as robot suits or powered armor, They adapt to body movements using intelligent algorithms. There are models for the whole body or just for the extremities.

These exostructures replace lost functionality, treat musculoskeletal problems and assist physiotherapists in the treatment of patients with motor and cognitive disabilities.

Prosthetics and bionic limbs

3D printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing of functional devices and accessories. The combination of robotics and brain-machine interface (BCI) Brain-computer interface) has given birth to bionic hands, arms and legs that connect to nerves.

The most advanced prosthetics They can now transmit sensations such as cold and heat touched objects. An example is the robotic hand MiniTouch.

Robotic hand for sign language

One of the most notable innovations is the robotic hand Tatum T1, designed to translate texts in English, such as emails, books or Internet content, in sign language. This device is particularly useful for people who are deafblind.

Robotic guide dogs

Robotic guide dogs are in full development and use technologies such as lidarsensors IoT and artificial intelligence to detect spaces, identify people and avoid obstacles autonomously. An example is the Lysa project, created by a Brazilian engineer, which offers a cheaper alternative to real guide dogs.

smart cane

Stanford University researchers have developed the smart cane Improved caneequipped with sensors, system lidarGPS, camera and acceleration and speedometers. This cane uses an algorithm similar to that of self-driving vehiclesto help visually impaired people move around more safely and efficiently.

autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are making giant strides and it is expected that in the future they will be able to be used by people with visual impairments. Integrating audio, haptic feedback and gestures recognized by the vehicle is essential to design accessible cars from the outset.

Smart wheelchairs

Smart wheelchairs offer advanced features that go beyond the capabilities of traditional power chairs. These include obstacle and pedestrian detection, fall notification, automatic lighting, stair-climbing wheels and autonomous driving systems.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology designed a wheelchair that goes up and down stairs and another with a navigation system similar to that of autonomous vehicles.

Other functional devices

In addition to those mentioned, there are smart walkers, robotic repositioning cameras, machines that dress people, hair washing devices, robots that feed people and others that transfer them from wheelchairs to beds. All these assistance robots improving the lives of people with disabilitiesand they also facilitate the activity of their caregivers.

Benefits of Assistive Robots

One of the main advantages of assistive robots is their ability to perform repetitive and monotonous tasks accurately and without making mistakes. This frees healthcare professionals from these tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex and important tasks, such as diagnosing and treating diseases. In addition, robots can work 24/7, ensuring constant and uninterrupted attention.

Another advantage of assistance robots is their ability to improve the efficiency of medical processes. For example, in the case of drug delivery, robots can quickly and safely transport them to patients’ rooms, avoiding errors in their administration. In addition, robots can collect real-time data on the condition of patients, allowing doctors to make more informed and accurate decisions.

The patient experience

In addition to their efficiency, assistance robots can also improve the patient experience in hospitals and health centers. These robots can accompany patients, entertain them with games or videos, and even provide them with information about their illness and treatment. All this helps reduce patients’ stress and anxiety, improving their emotional well-being and recovery.

It is necessary to establish clear regulations on the responsibility of robots in the event of errors or failures, as well as to guarantee the protection of privacy and confidentiality of patient data. In addition, it is essential to ensure that robots are programmed in an ethical and human rights-respecting manner, avoiding any type of discrimination or bias in their operation.

Recommended Readings

Robots for elderly care

Social assistance robotics


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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