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HomeLatest NewsMore than 100 activities to celebrate Mallorca's Day on September 12th

More than 100 activities to celebrate Mallorca’s Day on September 12th

He Council of Mallorca organized more than a hundred activities to commemorate the Mallorca Daya celebration that will take place soon Thursday September 12a date that comes from the island institution that presides over the popular Llorenc Galmes have recovered and “there is no need for this to change,” as he said when presenting the program of events. Among the most notable activities are the inauguration of the exhibition of the Book of Fraqueses and Privilegesthe floral offering to Jaume II and the awards, distinctions and distinctionss, as the main acts of the celebration.

The opening of the exhibition to the public Book of Franqueses et Privilegis del Reign of Majorca at the Palacio del Consell It will be at 11:00 and you can visit until 20:00. The exhibition will remain open until September 15, from 9:00 to 20:00. The bibliographic piece brings together all the franchises and privileges granted to the Kingdom of Majorca between the years 1230 and 1341 by Jaume I and the three monarchs of the House of Majorca: Jaume II, Sanç and Jaume III.

At 11:00 a.m. there will also be a floral offering at the tomb of James II in the Cathedral of Majorca led by the president of the island institution, Llorenç Galmés, in which any person or entity can participate by registering for free.

In the afternoon, at 7:00 p.m., the awards ceremony will take place. Awards, Honors and Honors that recognize the work done by people or entities in favor of Mallorca. The gala will feature performances by Jaume Anglada and Carolina Cerezuela, and Maria Jaume.

The medals of Honor and gratitude from Mallorca were awarded in this year’s edition to the Majorcan sculptor Remigia Caubet; to the footballertowards Abdón Prats; to entities Aranzadi Scientific Society and EAPN-Illes Balearsand to the family workshop Ca Mandò Bet dels Siurells. On the other hand, Miquel Barcelo will be named Majorca’s favourite son.

THE Jaume II Prizewhich will be awarded to individuals and legal entities who have distinguished themselves during the previous calendar year in the promotion of symbols, historical references or the name of Mallorca, will go to the painter. Gustavo Penalver; the businesswoman Carmen Planas; the musical group Anegat; THE Association of Industrialists of Majorca; THE ELA Balearic Islands Association; the company Melicoto and the Brave Gifts. Similarly, this prize will be awarded, on the proposal of civil society, to the composer, choir director and teacher Baltasar Bibiloni Llabrés and the organist Gerhard Grenzing.

All activities of the Mallorca Day 2024this year under the lem40 years of the flag of Mallorcacan be viewed here.

All Majorcans Day

On September 12, we commemorate the solemn oath taken by King James II of Majorca, recently proclaimed in 1276, of the privileges and franchises of the Kingdom. A sort of Constitution of Majorca. September 12, therefore, commemorates an event that affected the entire island and that is why, since 1977, the Diada of Majorca has been celebrated on this day until the left-wing pact of two mandates ago, in 2016, which was then chaired by Miquel Ensenyat of Month for Mallorcamoved it to December 31 as a demand of the Catalan Countries. The Dida was designed to coincide with the Festa de l’Estendard, considered the oldest civil festival in Europe.

To support the change of date, the Consell asked three reports to experts in the field of Majorcan history on the opportunity to situate the Diada on September 12 in the historical, legal and sociological context. The three reports conclude that September 12 is the most suitable date to celebrate Mallorca Day. The reports were written by historians and university professors Antonio Cañellas, Antonio Ortega Villoslada and Román Piña Homs.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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