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Page files his appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty and launches a new challenge to Sánchez

The socialist government of Castile-La Mancha, which presides Emiliano Garcia-Page, presented early this Monday morning appeal for unconstitutionality against the amnesty law for understanding that “this violates the principle of equality” enshrined in Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution.

The presentation of the appeal, confirmed to EL ESPAÑOL-EL DIGITAL CLM by reliable sources close to the regional president, was carried out after the resource was approved on July 30 by the Board of Directors of the Council of Communities based on the report published by the Advisory Council of Castilla-La Mancha that Page himself had previously requested.

The appeal for unconstitutionality was presented electronically this Monday before the Constitutional CourtIt therefore complies with the decision of the Regional Executive, with regard to represents a new challenge from Page to the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchezwho granted the amnesty law to his separatist partners. This call also comes in the context of a full-blown internal conflict between Page and Sánchez over the economic agreement in Catalonia.

At the same time as Ayuso

The presentation of this appeal by the Government of Castilla-La Mancha coincides with the announcement made this Monday by the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusoupon registering his own appeal against the amnesty and only four days later The PP did the same on September 5a decision that the rest of the popular regional presidents will follow in cascade.

The amnesty law was harshly criticized in recent months by the socialist president of Castilla-La Manchavery incisive against a cession to the independentists which, according to him, breaks the equality between the Spaniards and constitutes a “blackmail” of separatism to the central government.

According to the file that EL ESPAÑOL-EL DIGITAL CLM has had access to, the Government Council of Castilla-La Mancha, on the proposal of the president of the Community Council, agreed on July 30 to appeal to the Constitutional Court Organic Law 1/2024of June 10, of amnesty for institutional, political and social normalization in Catalonia and authorizes the Legal Office to take steps to formalize the appeal. Actions that ended on September 9 with the electronic registration of the initiative.

This has no place in the Constitution

In its opinion, the Advisory Council relies on various decisions of the Constitutional Court and concludes that “it is possible that the autonomous community may present an appeal of unconstitutionality before any constitutional violation that a standard may incur and not only in cases directly related to the defense of their own powers.

Regarding the adaptation of the law to the constitutionality block, on which a statement had also been requested, the Advisory Council determines in its report that “The amnesty law has no place in the Constitution” and, furthermore, he claims that “its approval would have required constitutional reform.”

The Advisory Council completes the document by emphasizing that this law ““violates the principle of equality protected by Article 14 of the Constitution and the principles prohibiting arbitrariness”.

Blackmail by a “criminal”

For all these reasons, after the force of the judgment, the Government Council of Castilla-La Mancha approved the filing of this appeal of unconstitutionality. with the aim of defending the interests of the autonomous communityonome as an integral part of the autonomous state envisaged in the Constitution.

Page’s opposition to this law agreed by Pedro Sánchez with the pro-independence parties is well known. On another occasion, the Castilian-La Mancha leader defined it as “blackmail, the criminal demanding that “Spanish democracy is considered an oppressive system”.

In fact, Page He has already announced his intention to appeal this decision before the Constitutional Court last May, once the controversial law is approved. The socialist baron has strongly stressed that the amnesty that would benefit the independence supporters involved in the Catalan process It was not a victory, becauseForgiveness is not contracted and is not given in exchange for blackmail.“Coexistence is precisely the opposite of any form of blackmail,” he warned.

“My disagreement is not only constitutional, but fundamental. I have an obligation to ensure clearly that any rule affects the interests of this region and, in particular, our direct interests and our powers. And also I have every intention of fulfilling my commitment.“I would like everyone in this country to be able to do it,” he said at the institutional event of the Day of Castilla-La Mancha, on May 31.




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