Monday, September 23, 2024 - 5:44 pm
HomeLatest NewsThe Council of Mallorca begins work on the reform of the road...

The Council of Mallorca begins work on the reform of the road between Selva and Mancor

The Consell of Mallorca, governed by the PP-Vox coalition, has started work on reform and improvement of road safety that the municipalities of Selva and Mancor de la Vall. The works, with a budget of 882,000 euros, extend from Biniamar to Selva and are part of the plan to improve the secondary network of Mallorca.

This action aims to reinforce the road surface replace badly damaged asphalt and work will be carried out to improve drainage and prevent water accumulation. They will also be placed mixed safety barriersmade of steel and wood, in some places to improve road safety.

The Minister of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructure, Fernando Rubioaccompanied by the island director of Infrastructure, Rafel Gelabert, and the mayors and councilors of Mancor and Selva visited this Monday some works that will have a duration of four months and they are expected to be completed by early October.

The advisor popular said that this action “is part of the plan that we have in the Consell de Mallorca to improve the secondary road network and that, in the coming months, different road reinforcement works packages will be put out to tender throughout the island with a budget of 20 million euros.

In addition, Rubio explained: “These are roads like the one we visited today between Selva and Mancor, where the asphalt of this road was very deteriorated and it is necessary to carry out works, because the maintenance works are insufficient.”

80 million for works in the municipalities of Majorca

It is worth remembering that the Consell de Mallorca has doubled the budget for investments and works in the municipalities of Mallorca: 80 million distributed in tranches of around 20 million each year, and until 2027. With this aid, the town halls of Mallorca (except Palma) can carry out works in the streets, renovate properties, acquire vehicles or design civil protection plans.

The Executive Council of the island institution has approved the call for applications for the years 2024 and 2025, in which the Consell has foreseen an amount that amounts to 39.7 million euros, 19.8 million to be charged to this year’s budget and 19.8 million to be charged to the following year’s accounts, doubling the investments of 9.5 million granted in 2023.

So, in this call, municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants will receive 960,000 euros; Municipalities with 5,001 to 10,000 inhabitants will receive 700,000 euros; 520,000 euros will be allocated to municipalities with 10,001 to 20,000 inhabitants, and those with more than 20,000 inhabitants will receive a subsidy of 360,000 euros.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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