Monday, September 23, 2024 - 8:01 am
HomeTop StoriesMadrid, Aragon, Murcia and Cantabria appeal to the Constitutional Court

Madrid, Aragon, Murcia and Cantabria appeal to the Constitutional Court

The Popular Party has already returned from vacation and, after a first week back, it has already reactivated its strategy to stop the amnesty law. On this Monday morning, Four “popular” regional governments (Madrid, Aragon, Murcia and Cantabria) have filed appeals of unconstitutionality with the Constitutional Court.

The first to act was Fernando López Miras, president of the Region of Murciawho this morning in the program ‘Herrera en Cope’ announced that he would present his appeal this morning: “The Region of Murcia will present today before the TC an appeal against the amnesty law, which is a shameful law. It violates the separation of powers. A law that allows you to commit crimes depending on where you live and who you vote for“.

Also in Cantabria They followed the same line. The Parliament of Cantabria presented to the Constitutional Court an appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law because, according to it, “violates the principle of equality among the Spanish.

This was reported on Monday at a press conference by the president, María José González Revuelta, who explained that the appeal requests the annulment of the entire text of this organic law and that “democratically, it also responds to the feelings of the majority of citizens of Cantabria.”

Aragon joined the list after the legal services of the Government of Aragon presented this Monday the appeal of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law in Catalonia, based on two fundamental ideas.

On the one hand, in violation of the principle of exclusivity and independence of the judiciary and the separation of powers; on the other hand, in violation of the principles of equality, legality, legal certainty, security and prohibition of arbitrariness of public authorities, which entails the violation of the obligation of public authorities to promote the conditions so that freedom and equality of rights of the individual and the groups in which he is integrated are real and effective.

Later it was Community of Madrid autonomy to associate with a new resource. Isabel Díaz Ayuso, its president, said: “We will do everything in our power so that they cannot override our Constitution and sink Spain.”

In his argument, he denounces that the amnesty law affects “the fundamental pillars on which the Constitution is based” and argues that the rule of law cannot function properly if regional administrations do not operate under the same constitutional rules.

The autonomous communities governed by the Popular Party have decided to accelerate the deadline for their “cascade” of appeals of unconstitutionality against the amnesty law. It ends on Wednesday 11th and they plan to file their respective appeals between Monday and tomorrow Tuesday.

SO, Other regional leaders should do the for example the Valencian Community should do after the meeting that the Valencian government of Carlos Mazón will hold this afternoon to approve the appeal.




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