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Former Galician PP official from Panamanian company collects 86 million in training grants

More than 86 million euros in public subsidies, a company in the tax haven of Panama, positions in various employers’ associations and a position in the PP executive of the controversial José Manuel Baltar, president of the Provincial Council of Orense from 2012 to 2023.

This is the profile of the Galician César Blanco Gómez, Executive responsible for the Formation of the PP of Ourense during the entire period of Baltar at the head of the party, since January 2010. A stage that was only abandoned last July, with the election to the head of the party in the province of Luis Menor, Baltar’s successor to the deputation after 33 years of what is called “Baltarism”.

According to data from the Ministry of Finance, César Blanco’s companies are in the front line to receive public aid for the training sector in 2023 in Spain. An analysis by reveals that more than half of the largest subsidies granted last year concerned only 100 companies. Almost all multinationals, but also some SMEs, like those of César Blanco.

Since 2020 alone, his training companies have received at least 86.3 million in aid: 61 million from the State and the rest from various regional governments, including the Xunta de Galicia (14.6 million) and the Comunidad de Madrid (8.17 million). Four of his companies have gone from 2.4 million in subsidies in 2020 to 38.5 million in 2023. In parallel with this explosion of subsidies, the businessman reactivated in 2022 a company in Panama that he has run since 2012 with his children. César Blanco, a member of the executive committee of the employers’ union Cepyme since June 2014, declined to respond to Their companies also declined to comment.

Blanco currently participates in these companies through a company created in Madrid in December 2021, Doce Blar SL, which at the end of 2022 (the last year for which it presented its accounts) had three shareholders: himself (24.72%) and his children Brais and Antía Blanco, with 37.64% each.

César Blanco is the chairman and CEO and Brais Blanco is the director and secretary. Its activity is “Intermediation activities in securities and other assets transactions”. In its latest accounts, dating from 2022, it declares assets of 8.5 million, zero employees and a turnover of just under 175,000 euros.

Shortly after the creation of Doce Blar SL, in May 2022, the company Blarsl Corp was reactivated in Panama, created in 2012 and managed since then by César Blanco (president), Brais Blanco (treasurer) and Antía Blanco (secretary), the three residents of a chalet in Vigo. Blarsl Corp apparently remained inactive for years: in 2017, the Panamanian government disqualified it (which meant suspending it and prohibiting it from registering any corporate act) along with more than 10,000 companies in arrears for not having paid the fees paid by companies registered in that country for three years.

The same thing happened to Insumos Médicos del Pacífico, a Panamanian company that managedor until 2022 Alberto González Amador And? created a director of the Quirón health group key to the great success that the couple of the president of the Community of Madrid achieved as an intermediary in the sale of masks to a Galician company. After years of suspension, Blarsl Corp was reactivated on May 6, 2022, a day after the same thing happened with the company that Ayuso’s partner ran in Panama by defrauding the Treasury.

Five months before the reactivation of this Panamanian company headed by César Blanco, the Madrid company Doce Blar SL had begun to acquire 100% of several of its companies. Among them, a prominent name in the list of companies subsidized with at least 100,000 euros that the Treasury recently published to comply with the transparency law, Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL.

Renamed Moba Skill Training, this company has received more than 24 million in public aid for training since 2020, according to Treasury data. The company is on the lists of training specialties of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) with courses in advanced Excel, office automation or management and team management skills, among others. Its website promotes courses in food crisis management, basic pharmacology or electrical maintenance. It presents itself as “the first training center subsidized by different public administrations.”

“On our portal you can find a wide catalog of free online courses in different work sectors for workers, freelancers and unemployed people who want to improve or update their professional profile. All our courses are 100% free, with a qualifying diploma and flexible schedules.

This site collects testimonies from former students of its programs. A certain Pedro Sánchez says: “Before I enrolled in the Transport and Logistics course, I felt like I was stagnating in my career.” The contact telephone number on the Moba Skill site coincides with that of the Galician Culinary Institute, a cooking school in Vigo whose trademark is registered. The company invoiced in 2021, the last year in which it presented its accounts, less than 395,000 euros. Without employees, its assets tripled that year, reaching 4.8 million.

Moba Skill, formerly Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL, was created in 2004 in Nogueira de Ramuin (Ourense), a municipality in the Ribeira Sacra whose local employers’ association, Aenor, is chaired by César Blanco. In 2013, the BNG warned of a “possible plot” PP mayors from Orense to urgently and through a negotiated procedure without publicity award the hiring of municipal fire brigades to companies linked to the party. One of them was Monte Blanco Agraria Gallega SL, owned by César Blanco, its sole administrator since its creation 20 years ago.

“Innovative solutions”

Doce Blar also belongs to the company G12 Grupo Empresarial de Servicios SL, which in 2023 alone received 10.3 million in public aid and pocketed 29.26 million in subsidies between 2020 and 2024. The majority, 17.8 million, from the State, plus an additional 6.95 million from the Xunta, 2.14 million from the Community of Madrid or 1.4 million from the Valencian Community.

On its website, G12 defines itself as a “group of service companies” such as consulting or an “employment agency”. “An entity specializing in the provision of services aimed at the development of human capital in organizations, both in the public and private sectors, offering innovative and quality solutions, and betting on the intensive use of new technologies as the main axis of our policy. and the provision of services”. Its contact telephone number is the same as that of Moba Skill and this cooking school in Vigo, the city where it is domiciled.

G12 has multiplied its assets in 2023. They have gone from 6.8 million to 22.63 million, according to their latest accounts, accessible via Insight View. Without employees, it has gone from 3.72 million invoiced to 6.91 million, with a profit of 800,623 euros. And, like Moba Skill, in January 2022, it became the property of Doce Blar SL.

Postal Academy

This company is also part of the Academia Postal group, well known in Galicia and a member of the National Association of Large Training Companies (AEGEF). Doce Blar owns 50% of Academia Postal 3 Vigo, SL. Specialized in competitive examination preparation, with more than 23,000 accredited students, according to your websiteand also with services employment agencyhas received 19.9 million in subsidies since 2020, according to the Treasury. In 2023, it achieved a record turnover of 3.56 million, or 117% more. With 86 employees, its assets increased from 3.69 million to 9.35 million. Academia Postal also did not want to deal with this media.

César Blanco works at the Academia Postal 3 Vigo SL as co-administrator with Brais Blanco and owner of the remaining 50%, the well-known Galician businessman of the formation Francisco Nóvoa. Already 80 years old, Nóvoa founded the Postal Academy in 1968. As a civil servant at the Post Office, where he became head of the province, he began to prepare the exams at the home of one of his students. His name became established in 2014 as the PP candidate for mayor of his native Maceda (Ourense), where he is his favorite son. Finally, the elected was Rubén Maceda, mayor until 2023.

Nóvoa and Doce Blar SL also share 50% of Educatic Gap Pue SL, which presents itself on its website as a computer science school in Vigo with no apparent relationship to Academia Postal. Since 2020, it has received almost 14.4 million in subsidies, mainly from the State, the Community of Madrid and the Xunta.

Another subsidiary of Doce Blar is Atlántica Inversiones Universitarias, dedicated to “university education” and in which there are no subsidies. Two of the companies that receive the most subsidies for training in Spain are also shareholders in this company: Grupo Medio, also Galician, and Coremsa, based in Malaga. The representative of Doce Blar in Atlántica is the son of César Blanco. Brais Blanco, who also did not want to respond to, was a partner in a real estate company (Torroña SL) with the developer Delio Santalices, brother of the president of the Parliament of Galicia since 2016, Miguel Santalices. Both liquidated the company in 2021.

César Blanco identifies himself in his LinkedIn profile as administrator of Academia Postal 3. He graduated in Business Administration and Management Information Systems from the University of Vigo, where he has been a member of the Social Council since 2012, first on the proposal of the Xunta and since 2021 by election of the professional organizations.

The businessman was part of the Provincial Executive Committee of the PP of Baltar in Ourense. As Secretary of Training, he launched his summer school in 2011. José Manuel Baltar inherited the presidency of the deputation from his father, José Luis Baltar, the self-proclaimed “good leader”, in 2012, in a dynastic succession unprecedented in democratic Spain. Regarding the current senator of the PP, awaiting trial before the Supreme Court for driving at 215 kilometers per hour, the shadow of nepotism and clientelist networks still loomed.

To his activities with training or placement agencies, César Blanco adds extensive experience in the real estate sector, with a franchise of the Re/Max chain in Vigo. He is also treasurer of Aspanaex, an association in Vigo that, according to its website, has been working “since 1963 to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities and their families”, with a concerted education center, another day center. and another professional center. According to the Treasury, Aspanaex has received 2.36 million in subsidies from the Xunta, the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and the Vigo City Council since 2020.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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