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a message of continuity against Junts that the PP describes as authoritarian

Pedro Sanchez He tried to make a show of force at the celebration of the PSOE Federal Committee on Saturday, when he declared himself “ready” for the new political course. “We will move forward with determination, with or without the support of the opposition,” with or without the assistance of the legislative power“, Sanchez said.

Junts was not subtle in reminding Sánchez that his deputies will be essential in approving the Executive’s accounts.Seven is a magic number” said the party’s spokesman in the Senate, Eduardo Pujol. Sánchez’s words can therefore be understood as a message of strength in the face of parliamentary weakness that potential allies in Congress are seeking to attract.

These words have already had a response from the PP, with its leader, Alberto Nuñez Feijoorecovering the controversial expression “tic” that he used with Sánchez by “diagnosing” him with a “pathological tic” when the President of the Government burst out laughing from the Congress of Deputies.

For Feijóo, these words from Sánchez They represent “a dangerous tic”equating them with his intention, he said, “to intervene in the judicial system” or referring to his “worrying judicial agenda.”No one in Europe is in Sánchez’s situation“, Feijóo assessed in ‘Public Mirror’.

“If the President himself does not care about what the Parliament says, if he does not respect the laws and does not respect the regulations of the Conference of Presidents, you will understand that these bilateral meetings, which I do not know whether they will produce or not, They don’t travel much “except to try not to discuss the affairs of Spain,” Feijóo added, referring to Sánchez’s intention to meet with the presidents of the autonomous communities.

Feijóo has shown himself willing to return to Moncloa to meet with Sánchez if the President of the Government requests it, although he believes that he should not summon him “for not to accept anything against the interests of the Spanish people“I won’t do it,” says the PP leader.

Previously, through her X account (Twitter), Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo had described Sánchez as a “unleashed despot“. “Don’t say we didn’t warn you,” warned the “popular” deputy. This Monday, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusocriticized the fact that “the weaker government, with fewer seats, is authoritatively investing in the truth.”

Robles finds it “mean” to present the budgets as support for Sánchez

On the PSOE side, one of the few reactions that were made to these remarks came from the Minister of Defense, a Marguerite Robles who hopes that the budgets will be approved and that see “small” propose the vote “as support or not for Pedro Sánchez”.

“When we talk about budgets, we talk about Spain. About the Spanish, about social policies, about the benefit of citizens. When someone says ‘no’ to budgets, says “no” to Spain and the Spanish“That is why I find it insignificant to want to say that the budgets are not supported with the aim of going against Sánchez,” the minister said.




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