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Chivite once again throws himself into the arms of Bildu and will move forward with the Pamplona budget

Chivite once again throws himself into the arms of Bildu and will move forward with the Pamplona budget

He PSOE of Pamplona re-executed the vow of obedience tax by Maria Chivite, Santos Cerdan And Pedro Sanchez and signed with the pro-etarras the agreement which will allow mayor of Pamplonaof Picturespostpone the budgets from the city to 2025.

This agreement is part of another global for which the socialists they tore off the city ​​hall has UPN to give it to pro-ETA members, the Basque nationalists of the PNV and the radical ultra-left of With you Navarre. Likewise, this is also part of a higher agreement, by which María Chivite remains at the head of the Government of Navarra with the stability that pro-ETA members provide and which connects them to approval of the general accounts from Navarre.

Finally, this is also part of an agreement of even greater magnitude, by which the ex-terrorist Arnaldo Otegui guarantees to Pedro Sanchez his continuity at the head of Spanish government in exchange for law which will allow release has The ETA murderers before the end of their sentence in Spain, or the mayor of Pamplona, ​​among others hidden agreements which the socialists have never revealed.

With the signed agreement Pamplona City Hallhe pro-ETA mayor delivery four million euros to the group socialist from Pamplona so that he can present amendments at his convenience, so that he is profitable having lent their votes to the accounts.

From the government team This agreement was signed by the mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asironin the name of EH Bilduas well as the spokespersons of the municipal groups of Geroa Bai, Mikel ArmendarizAnd With you, Txema Mauleón Echeverría. From the PSN did it Marina Curielgroup spokesperson Socialists of Pamplona City Hall.

The agreement obliges the signatory groups to vote against any possible amendment that was not presented by them, whether it is good or bad for the city. Likewise, it obliges the groups of the government team to approve the amendments presented by the socialists without even read themthat is to say Amen.


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