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HomeLatest Newsso you can fold your t-shirts to take up less space

so you can fold your t-shirts to take up less space

There are times when every inch is vital to keep our closets, dressers and other storage alternatives for clothes in order. Not all of us can have a large room converted into a dressing room to organize all our clothes without getting too excited about the space. In fact, this is not usually the most common case and the opposite usually happens. But that does not mean that we have to give up on having all our clothes well organized, there are tricks and strategies to make the most of the centimeters with the accounts.

With the change of seasons, the headaches always come back to know how to organize our clothes, make sure that everything fits in the closet, store them in such a way that when we use them, they are not wrinkled and we can see and identify them at a glance.

A few weeks after officially leaving summer to enter autumn – and already feeling slight changes in temperature – the dreaded wardrobe change is approaching. You have to start saving the thinnest and coolest t-shirts and pants, summer dresses and sandals to start taking out the long sleeves, jackets or sneakers and mid-season shoes.

Every wardrobe change is an opportunity to do a little cleaning in our clothing collection. The best way to save space is to store only what we are actually going to use. It is not worth keeping clothes that have become too big or too small or that, for some reason, have always remained in the closet for several seasons and that we no longer wear.

How to Fold Clothes for Storage

Once we have selected what we are going to store, we will explain how to organize your t-shirts, which are usually one of the most difficult items to store in an orderly manner. You have probably heard of Marie Kondo, the guru of tidying up. With her method of folding t-shirts vertically, it is very easy to always have this garment well organized and classified:

  • In thirds: You’re going to fold the shirt in thirds starting from the right and left ends towards the center. And then, from the bottom up, as if it were a small package. This is one of the best ways to keep them visually organized in a drawer or in whatever space you have reserved for them.
  • On roll: Another formula is to fold them into a roll. Although it may not seem like it, it is one of the best formulas to prevent them from wrinkling and to take them out of the closet perfectly. It is a formula that allows you to store them in a very orderly way and save space. This method will also be useful when preparing a suitcase.

Once you have folded the t-shirts with your favorite method, it is time to store them. We recommend, as we mentioned before, to arrange them vertically (standing) in a drawer, so that you can see them all at a glance. But if you want to recover space in the closet and dresser to make room for warm clothes, you can also store them very easily with these methods. You can buy a duvet cover for very little money, which is usually characterized by being very spacious. In it, carefully store your t-shirts so that they do not wrinkle. Then, leave this cover on top of your closet or in a storage room. Your clothes will be protected until next season. As a preventive measure, do not forget to put a moth-proof air freshener in the case.

How to renew our wardrobe for fall

It is very likely that while changing your wardrobe, you have found summer and winter clothes that you do not even remember buying, much less wearing. As consumers, it can happen that we fall victim to microtrends, passing whims or a whole sea of ​​”just in case”. If this is the case, you may want to let go of some clothes to make room for others:

  • Do I really wear it? Here, honesty with yourself is the starting point. This question can lead you to get rid of a lot of clothes, if any at all, so review your decision at least every time you change your wardrobe or give yourself time to ask yourself the question again: have I worn these pants in the last two months? –. If you wear a piece of clothing frequently, consider keeping it.
  • Keep it, throw it away or donate it: Prepare three piles of clothing for incoming and outgoing wardrobe changes. Each pile will represent what you want to keep, what is no longer usable and can’t be salvaged, and what you’re going to donate. Ideally, the trash pile should be small compared to the rest, reserved only for clothes in poor condition. This pile doesn’t mean you’re literally throwing these items in the trash, either. You can give them new life as rags for clothes or for crafts like stuffing pillows and pet beds.
  • Turn it into a game: If you want, you can turn the wardrobe change experience from an ordeal to a fun one. And along the way, you might find yourself giving new use to some clothes you’d forgotten about. This method will take some time—maybe an entire afternoon—but it’ll be a fun experience. It’s all about gamify the process of changing and cleaning out the closet. You may have played an avatar dress-up game as a child and often tried every possible combination that was allowed to you. We will apply the same principle to our wardrobe. To do this, you must try on all your clothes and combine them all, down to the last one, no matter how absurd and impossible the resulting outfit may seem at first. You will see that clothes that you would never have worn together make sense, and in the best case scenario you will be able to use many items that you had forgotten at the back of the closet. If one of your clothes does not work with anything, it could be a sign that it is time to donate it and let it go.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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