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HomeTop StoriesMore than 1.6 million to decarbonize the Biscayan industry

More than 1.6 million to decarbonize the Biscayan industry

THE Provincial Council of Biscay announced a investment of 1.6 million euros in the new “Green Transition” program, which aims to decarbonize industry and promote sustainable production. The presentation of requests This new aid program was opened today Monday and will be extended until September 27.

The regional deputy for Economic Promotion, Ainara Basurkopresented this initiative which aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises advanced industrial and service companieswith a workforce of between 5 and 250 people, in their decarbonization processes, the adoption of clean technologies and circular economy projects, so that they opt for a production and consumption model with low environmental impact.

“We are facing a climate emergency that is forcing our businesses to adapt their from economic models towards sustainability,“, Basurko stressed. “This program is a key tool to help SMEs in Bizkaia reduce their ecological footprint, improve their energy efficiency and, ultimately, strengthen your competitiveness in a market that is increasingly demanding in terms of respect for the environment.

The deadline for applications opens today, Monday, and will last until September 27. This aid program has three lines of action: measurement, green investments and circular economy.

The environmental impact measurement has a budget of 400,000 euros. The aid from this line will be granted within the framework of the free competition procedure to support monitoring projects of the environmental impact of various areas of the business, service or product.

This measure must necessarily provide the company with valuable data that allows it to reorient your efforts to reduce your environmental impact. Companies can benefit from direct financial assistance of up to 10,000 euros per project.

clean technologies

The green investment line, with a budget of 800,000 euros, intended for projects reducing the environmental impact of companies, will be able to benefit from aid of up to 100,000 euros. renewable energy production facilities for self-consumption, equipment that consumes energy from renewable sources, installations that use one of the technologies from the Basque List of Clean Technologies, installations greater efficiency in energy consumption and resources and for the implementation of comprehensive energy demand management systems.

Finally, environmental innovation and the circular economy, which will have 400,000 euros to support sustainable innovation projects. The aid granted by the candidate entity can be up to 140,000 euros and will promote environmental innovations of products/services, processes and business models.

The “Green Transition” Program is aimed particularly at companies operating in the sectors of industry, construction, transport, industry-related services, tourism and wholesale trade. It supports both external and internal investments and expenses required for the development of projects.

“With this innovative program of direct aid, the Provincial Council of Biscay reaffirms its commitment to a sustainable and competitive economy, “promote local businesses on the path to climate neutrality and energy efficiency,” they explain from the regional entity.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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