Monday, September 23, 2024 - 3:59 am
HomeBreaking NewsIn Moldova, farmers, under threat of protest, are forced to declare a...

In Moldova, farmers, under threat of protest, are forced to declare a state of emergency in the sector

The Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture is preparing a bill that will allow declaring a state of emergency in the industry. This was announced today, September 9, by the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Vladimir Bolya, assuring that this week the document should be approved by the government and then by the parliament.

The introduction of a state of emergency in the agricultural industry will allow farmers to receive compensation without submitting a certificate of force majeure.

“We are now coordinating the document and discussing it with other government agencies. I will most likely present the details of this bill on Wednesday.” – Bolya said at the briefing.

The official also presented a regulation establishing a procedure for providing assistance to farmers whose wheat and corn crops were affected by natural emergencies in 2024, such as drought and extreme heat. The government decided to allocate 100 million lei to partially compensate for the losses.

“Aid will be provided if heat and drought have damaged at least 60% of the corn crop and at least 70% of the wheat crop. The maximum amount of assistance cannot exceed 500,000 lei per applicant. Land located in the area of ​​irrigation systems is not eligible for state financial assistance. Subsidized land is also not eligible for financial assistance.” – the minister clarified.

Recall that last week the specialist association Forța Fermierilor (“Farmers’ Force”) announced that they were resuming protests due to the “superficiality of the government” and the parliament’s ignorance of the “gravity of the situation and the need to take urgent measures.” They say that the aid promised by the government of 100 million lei is insufficient and demand, in addition to the state of emergency, a moratorium on the payment of fines for overdue loans.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the State Tax Inspectorate withdraws funds from farmers’ accounts despite the presence of accrued VAT, which could be used to pay off debts. This issue could be resolved if parliament were to pass a law extending VAT refunds.

“Farmers have run out of patience and there is no time to wait. Farmers’ trust in the current government is at an all-time low because it is primarily concerned with politics (preparations for the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum on European integration – EADaily) and its own image, rather than with the economy.” – the association said, demanding the resignation of the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Moldova.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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