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HomeBreaking NewsZiya Huseynzade: "I first met Razi because of money"

Ziya Huseynzade: “I first met Razi because of money”

The next session of the trial of Ziya Hikmat oglu Huseynzade, charged under Article 182.3.2 and other articles of the Criminal Code, was held at the Baku Serious Crimes Court, chaired by Judge Siyavush Hajiyev.

According to Unikal, three women – Gulnar Mahmud Gizi Isayeva, Khadijat Gurbanovna Aliyeva and Raziyyat Farzadovna Aliyeva – were recognized as victims in the criminal case. Khadijat Aliyeva, one of the victims, took part in the trial. It should be noted that Raziyyat Aliyeva was recognized as a model.

Ziya Huseynzade testified during the trial:

“Starting in 2021, I started having a close relationship with Raziyyat Aliyeva. However, I first met her in 2015 for money. So I gave her money every month. Then we started living with her. The relationship continued until 2023. Razyyat told me to pay the rent for the beauty salon she runs – 4 thousand manats.

In this courtroom, the victim’s lawyer filed an oral motion to declare the court proceedings closed. The defendant, his lawyers and the prosecutor left it to the discretion of the court to make a decision on the closed court proceedings. Judge Siyavush Hajiyev accepted the lawyer’s request and closed the session.

According to the indictment, in August 2022, Raziyyat Aliyeva, with whom Ziya Huseynzade was in a romantic relationship, entered into a relationship with a man and discovered that he was betraying her. Therefore, at that time, Raziyyat tied Aliyeva’s hands and injured her.

In December of that year, Ziya Huseynzade again received information about Raziyyat Aliyeva’s relationship with other men. She came to Raziyyat Aliyeva’s house on Sharifzade Street. She showed Raziyyat Aliyeva the knife she had and threatened to kill her.

In addition, Ziya Huseynzade tortured Raziyyat Aliyeva on different days in December of that year.

Later, Ziya Huseynzade gave Raziyyat Aliyeva expensive gifts during their time together, used the excuse of spending money on traveling abroad together, and demanded the return of the Mercedes car worth 185,000 manats.

Ziya Huseynzade determined that Raziyyat Aliyeva’s mother, Khadijat Aliyeva, is at her home in the Garadagh district. She went to that address in the middle of the night and made inappropriate statements to Raziyyat Aliyeva and Khadijat Aliyeva.

The investigation documents mention that in 2023 Raziyyat Aliyeva stole a car and caused damage to it worth 94,000 manats.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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