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HomeBreaking NewsWhen will Aghadash Agayev's complaint about MedEra Hospital be considered?

When will Aghadash Agayev’s complaint about MedEra Hospital be considered?

The appeal of People’s Artist Agadadash Agayev against the “MedEra Hospital” to the Binagadi District Court has been announced.

According to Gaynarinfo, the case will be heard on October 10 under the presidency of Judge Nigar Nabizadeh.

It should be noted that the artist filed a lawsuit against the Limited Liability Company (LLC) “MedEra Hospital” in court on “Disputes on obligations arising from violations of civil law – Compensation for moral damage.”

Some time ago, a video of People’s Artist Agadadash Aghayev fighting with a guard at the hospital was circulated. The People’s Artist attacked the guard of the MedEra Hospital with an axe in his hand. The axe he threw hit Nazaket Pashaeva, who worked there, and injured her. The People’s Artist was defeated by bodyguard Nurettin Jalilov.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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