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In a context of an explosion of chronic diseases, 21 million French people invited to carry out their “prevention assessment” with a health professional

Lifestyle habits, addictions, screening: 21 million French people are invited to make an appointment with a caregiver (doctor, midwife, nurse or pharmacist) to undergo a “prevention evaluation” Free, a new system deployed by health authorities, who are launching a communication campaign aimed at the general public on Monday.

To benefit from this system, you must belong to one of the four target age groups: 18-25 years, 45-50 years, 60-65 years or 70-75 years, the French government, the Ministry of Health, Insurance, Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) and Public Health said in a joint press release.

These “key ages” These are times when certain difficulties can be identified, such as mental health problems when returning to work or school, the appearance of chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, etc.), or even the risks of dependency, loss of autonomy and isolation.

Announced in 2022 and initially planned for early 2024, this system, tested in Hauts-de-France, finally became widespread in June, but has not yet found its audience. Its goal is “raise awareness, throughout life, about healthy behaviors”in a context of population ageing and an explosion of chronic diseases, which weigh on the finances of the health system.

“Personalized prevention plan”

Specifically, the insured in question requests an appointment with a doctor, midwife, nurse or pharmacist of his choice, who must be “volunteer” – establish a “prevention evaluation” thirty to forty-five minutes.

Fill out a questionnaire adapted to your age beforehand, which includes information about your background, your habits (diet, physical activity, addictive behaviors, etc.), possible symptoms, your mental state and possible situations of violence experienced, especially in the family or professional environment.

During the appointment, the professional “make a hierarchy of risks”suggests behavioral changes, possible tests, and, if necessary, directs the patient toward treatment. “personalized prevention plan” is established and transmitted to the attending physician.

The caregiver charges up to 30 euros (31.50 euros abroad), fully covered by health insurance. In certain situations, he or she may charge for an additional procedure, for example a smear test, a clinical examination or a vaccination procedure.

To raise awareness of the system, health authorities are launching a multimedia communication campaign this week (posters, TV and radio spots, communication kits for professionals). Some 13.7 million French people will be invited directly by email by the Health Insurance and the MSA. Specific actions should also be taken towards vulnerable populations who are far from healthcare.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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